Thor 4: Deleted Joint Video Ruins Mjolnir’s Return

Thor 4: Love and Thunder, stuntman by Chris Hemsworth, spoiled the return of an MCU fixture in a video now excluded from the backstage.

Chris Hemsworth’s stunt double revealed a big comeback in a behind-the-scenes video of Thor 4: Love and Thunder.

Stuntman Bobby Holland Hanton recently spoiled Mjolnir’s return in the next film. The now deleted video posted on his TikTok showed Hanton in a training session, attached to several safety cables with a harness, performing a jumping maneuver. With the help of the ropes, Hanton flies about 20 feet in the air, and in his hand is the mighty Mjolnir that the public saw destroyed in Thor: Ragnarok. Hanton uses the hammer to hit a large target box at the height of his jump before landing safely and looking at the camera. All of the video’s superheroic action was defined as ACDC’s “Thunderstruck”.

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Mjolnir was destroyed by Thor’s sister, Hela (Cate Blanchett), also known as the Goddess of Death, in Thor: Ragnarok. The loss of Mjolnir led Thor to create the alternative weapon Stormbreaker, which he used throughout Avengers: Infinity War. During the time travel adventures Avengers: Endgame, an alternate timeline version of Mjolnir was acquired and used against Thanos before being returned to its proper version or reality by Steve Rogers. With the parallel universe Mjolnir no longer in the main timeline, it remains to be seen how Thor gets the Asgardian weapon.

It was previously confirmed by Natalie Portman that her character, Dr. Jane Foster, will wield Thor’s hammer in the next sequence. However, Portman did not say how the hammer came into his possession, and now apparently from Thor. Hanton served as Hemsworth’s stuntman and body stuntman in several Marvel films, including Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok, and three of the four Avengers films. He also doubled Hemsworth in The Huntsman: Winter’s War and Men in black: international. Recently, Hanton has had a hard time keeping up with Hemsworth’s extraordinary physique for the last few Thor film, saying that Hemsworth is “the greatest Thor he has ever been”, and that it has been a struggle to match him.

Directed by Taika Waititi, Thor: love and thunder Chris Hemsworth stars as Thor, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, Natalie Portman as Jane Foster, Jaimie Alexander as Lady Sif, Chris Pratt as Star Lord, Dave Bautista as Drax, Karen Gillen as Nebula and Christian Bale as Gorr, God Butcher. The film hits theaters on May 6, 2022.

Continue reading: Actor Jaimie Alexander goes to Australia to do Thor: Love and Thunder

Source: TikTok via The Direct

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