This The Office Cold Open is an elaborate tribute to the Matrix

Is Dwight Neo?

Is Dwight Neo?
Print Screen: NBC / YouTube

The office it’s over, but with its release on Peacock, a lot of new footage is seeing the light of day. Including an unused cold opening that recreates iconic moments of The Matrix.

In the classic Office fAshion, it’s a joke with Dwight. An elaborate theatrical game that imitates The Matrix in an extensive tribute, including failures in the Matrix, Agents and a choice of pills. Introducing the late Hugh Dane as Hank as “Dorpheus”, Morpheus’ brother, is a silly and fun little reference with a nice twist at the end.

It may not be the loudest and funniest cold opening I’ve ever seen, but the dedication here is impressive. The fact that leather chairs look right me. These are very iconic chairs.

For more The office, is being broadcast on Peacock, and a lot of backstage and cutback content is coming to Peacock’s YouTube presence.

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