This map shows America’s most popular Valentine’s Day sweets by state


With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, people in love are putting the finishing touches of pink and red on their February 14th plans. They are preparing a romantic dinner menu, building tacky crafts for Valentine’s Day and, of course, stocking up on sweet treats.

But, as with most things, Valentine’s Day candy preferences vary from person to person and even from state to state. Job hunting site Zippia used Google Trends to determine the most popular Valentine’s Day sweets by state, and one candy stood out from the rest: chocolate strawberries.

The company uses Google Trends to determine which Valentine’s Day candies peaked in search volume on February 14. From there, they evaluated which sweets are researched in a disproportionately high amount in each state. It is not new that chocolate-based sweets were supreme in the polls, with 45 out of 50 states preferring dark or white milk sweets.

When it came to chocolate strawberries, 10 of the 50 states prioritized fruit treatment. M & Ms and chocolate roses were right behind, receiving the love of searching from eight states each. Chocolate truffles, Hershey’s Kisses and Dove chocolate were the preference of five states each.

Photo credit: Zippia

Photo credit: Zippia

A treat that didn’t get much love: candy necklaces. This not-so-festive one was a favorite in California, but nowhere else in the country. Another treat that people want to have as a friend: conversation hearts. Although it is a symbol of the holiday, the chalk candy was only popular in four states: Iowa, Maine, Michigan and North Dakota.

But no matter how popular a candy may be on February 14, they will all be discounted from February 15.

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