This long video essay explores the haunted Bly mansion

De Haunting of Bly Manor.

In Haunted Bly Mansion.
Image: Netflix

Henry James, strange romance and ghosts. These are the DNA of Haunted Bly Mansion, and they are the subject of this excellent (albeit long) video essay.

Ladyknightthebrave makes fascinating and detailed video essays that delve into how media pieces work. Her most recent is an essay on the Netflix show A haunt of the Bly mansion, exploring the way death and memory work in the show, exploring their influences and thinking about their themes. Also, interestingly, it includes a new interview with program creator Mike Flanagan, who offers some compelling insights into the program’s production and its thematic commitments.

This essay, in particular, does a great job weaving in the production Details and the background in a more detailed reading of the series. As a follow-up to Hill House Haunt, is a fascinating series and Ladyknight effectively breaks it down. She also has a lot of good information about Henry James, which is good for those of us who were not familiar with 19th century terror before catching the show.

I like to see up close as a story tell yourself, and this is really good. It is a good thing for a lazy weekend. You will learn something.

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