This is the only side effect of the coronavirus vaccine that Dr. Fauci is concerned about – BGR

  • The coronavirus vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna did not cause dangerous side effects.
  • Dr. Fauci should receive his second dose of coronavirus vaccine in two weeks and said the only side effect that concerns him is pain in his arm.
  • After his first dose, Fauci said that the side effects he experienced “were not at all serious”.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, along with nearly 2 million Americans, received his coronavirus vaccine last week. And like most people who received the vaccine, Fauci said the only side effect he experienced was a sore arm.

“The only thing I had was six to ten hours after the vaccine. I felt a little pain in my arm that lasted about 24 hours, ”said Fauci before realizing that it did not last long. In addition, Fauci said he had not experienced any other “deleterious effects”.

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Fauci’s experience with the vaccine is not uncommon and that is exactly why there is so much optimism about Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines. Keep in mind that none of the vaccines have been shown to cause serious side effects during clinical trials. In addition, in cases where volunteers reported adverse symptoms – such as headache or muscle pain – the symptoms usually disappeared within 24 hours.

The schedule for the coronavirus vaccine requires two doses to be administered three weeks apart, and with the second dose of Fauci now just two weeks away, the face of the White House coronavirus task force is not concerned with nothing, except for the potential for more pain in his arm.

“Maybe when I get the impulse, I may feel a little sore,” said Fauci during an interview with CNN earlier this week.

Although there have been reports of vaccine recipients experiencing severe allergic reactions, early indications suggest that such individuals tend to have a history of allergies.

For example, Dr. Hossein Sadrzadeh – who has a serious allergy to shellfish – said The New York Times that his blood pressure went up and that he went into anaphylactic shock after receiving the vaccine. Before going to the emergency room, Sadrzadeh used an EpiPen on himself.

Sadrzadeh was dismissed quickly and, according to reports, is perfectly fine now.

The times adds:

Following the initial cases that accompany Pfizer injections, the CDC issued advice that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines may not be appropriate for people with a history of anaphylaxis to the ingredients of both injections. Anaphylaxis, which usually occurs a few minutes after exposure to a triggering substance, can impair breathing and cause sudden drops in blood pressure, which can be fatal.

Despite this, the CDC is still advising people with less severe allergies to get the vaccine. The only qualification is that they are encouraged to wait about 15 minutes after the injection just to make sure everything is fine.

It is important to note that the lack of serious side effects is not the only reason why Pfizer and Moderna vaccines can defeat the coronavirus. Just as important, both vaccines were considered to be about 95% effective in preventing someone from coronavirus, an impressive number that caught many researchers off guard.

Finally, it is important to note that developing an effective coronavirus vaccine is only half the battle. The other battle is to convince most Americans to take it, something that needs to happen to obtain collective immunity and prevent future outbreaks. If everything goes according to plan, Fauci believes that we will be able to get involved in normal day-to-day activities until June 2021.

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A longtime Mac user and Apple enthusiast, Yoni Heisler has been writing about Apple and the technology industry in general for over 6 years. His writings were published in Edible Apple, Network World, MacLife, Macworld UK and, more recently, TUAW. When not writing and analyzing the latest events with Apple, Yoni enjoys watching Improv shows in Chicago, playing football and cultivating new addictions to TV shows, the most recent examples being The Walking Dead and Broad City.
