This Cyberpunk 2077 mod makes Night City pedestrians less stupid

If you’ve been wandering around Night City in Cyberpunk 2077, you’ve probably noticed that pedestrians in the open-world game seem a little oblivious to what’s going on around them. They are surprised when you are faced with them and often do not seem to be aware of the things that happen just ahead. Well, thanks to a new useful mod, you can sharpen your situational awareness and make them behave more like real people who are trying not to get hit by cars.

TemplarGFX’s Alternate Crowd Behavior mod is not a complete mod, it is an adjusted .ini file that changes some of the distance limits for Cyberpunk 2077 NPCs. Specifically, the mod increases the distances at which pedestrians notice obstacles in their path, and that includes the V – so you should see people turning around to avoid running over you with this setting installed.

The mod also makes a few more changes – NPCs will need less ‘personal space’ as they walk, meaning that they will group more naturally and are less likely to disappear into the air while you’re not looking at them (they will still disappear if you do something that scares them, however). The adjustment also increases the number of NPCs allowed in a scene at the same time – which is an interesting reversal of the mods that make Night City a ghost town by removing all cars and pedestrians, who use the same type of .ini file settings. how does this alternative behavior hack.

Here he is in action. The footage of the modified behavior starts at the 1:30 mark:

YouTube thumbnail

If you want to try it, go to Nexus Mods and download the files. You will find two files in the compressed file, one called altcrowdsfull.ini and a call altcrowdslite.ini. These are the ‘full’ and ‘light’ versions of the tuning, respectively, and it is important to note that installing any of them will increase the load on your PC’s CPU – as you can imagine, following more NPC behavior means more work for your computer’s processor.

Select which version of the setting you want to use and drop the corresponding file in the folder Cyberpunk2077 engine config platform pc . After doing this, you are ready to blend in a night city full of people who are no longer as sleepy.
