This black doctor WON’T get the COVID-19 vaccine – Find out what he’s doing to stay healthy

Dr. L. Ray Matthews
Dr. L. Ray Matthews

* Pharmaceutical companies created corona virus vaccines in record time – less than ten months. Now, all states are tasked with placing vaccines in the arms of millions of people with the same urgency, because the number of people infected with COVID-19 and deaths continue to increase daily.

Although all politicians and medical professionals endorse the Vaccine for covid-19 and encouraging people everywhere to take it, there is a doctor who said that Has won’t take it. Dr. L. Ray Matthews is a retired trauma / intensive care surgeon and director of critical surgical care at Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta.

EUR associate Steffanie Rivers interviewed Dr. Matthews about his work in preventive health maintenance and why he thinks getting the corona virus vaccine is not the best defense against hiring COVID-19. He advocates using something else that protects against COVID-19 and other viruses that most people don’t realize are deadly.

MORE NEWS: ‘I barely felt it!’ Kamala Harris Gets First Dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine / WATCH

Vaccine for covid19

Steffanie Rivers / EUR: You are known as the leading expert on the benefits of vitamin D3. Why is vitamin D3 important for our body for preventive health maintenance?

DR. MATTHEWS: First, vitamin D3 is actually a hormone that controls 3,000 of the 30,000 human genes (10% of our DNA). Hormone / vitamin D3 regulates our immune response and inflammatory response systems. Vitamin D3 increases the white blood cell count (B cells, T cells, monocytes) to help the body fight bacterial, fungicidal and viral infections, as well as cancer cells. The inflammatory response system reduces inflammation by decreasing IL-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and C-reactive protein (CRP), which reduces the cytokine storm associated with corona virus infections.

In layman’s terms, vitamin D3 regulates the human immune system and controls a significant part of our human DNA. The problem is that most people do not eat nutritious food and do not take supplements, so vitamin D3 intake is low.

SR / EUR: most black and brown people believe that their melanin prevents them from worrying about the need to maintain optimal levels of vitamin D3. That’s true?

DR. MATTHEWS: The opposite is true. Melanin is a natural sunscreen that protects you from the sun. Melanin blocks 95% of vitamin D3 production. As a result, people with colored vitamin D3 levels tend to be 30% lower than people with lighter skin. This alone makes people of color more susceptible to the corona virus and most chronic diseases of aging, such as heart disease, stroke, higher rates of maternal / fetal mortality, cancer and many other chronic diseases.

Vitamin D is believed to be an effective treatment in preventing COVID-19. (Image: Alrandir / Shutterstock)

SR / EUR: What are the signs that a person is deficient in vitamin D3?

DR. MATTHEWS: The signs and symptoms of vitamin D3 deficiency are fatigue, insomnia, joint pain, muscle pain, frequent broken bones / fractures, recurrent infections, brittle nails, hair loss, memory loss, lack of focus and poor healing. wounds.

SR / EUR: List diseases that can be prevented by taking vitamin D3.

DR. MATTHEWS: This is a very long list. Almost all diseases of chronic aging can be reduced with vitamin D3, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer and many other diseases.

SR / EUR: Some people drink milk to get vitamin D3, is that the best way? Others are lactose intolerant and need to be absorbed in other ways. What is the ideal daily amount of vitamin D3 needed?

DR. MATTHEWS: Ninety percent (90%) of vitamin D3 production comes from the sun reaching the skin, producing a chemical that goes to the liver and kidneys to produce vitamin D3. Only ten percent (10%) of vitamin D3 comes from the diet. As a result, most people need sunlight (apply sunscreen after 15 minutes of exposure to prevent skin cancer) and supplements. Supplements come in liquids, chewables, soft gels, capsules or tablets. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) requirements for vitamin D3 are 600 international units for younger adults and 800 IU for older adults; however, in my first published manuscript on vitamin D3, we questioned it as being too low based on our current technological society. In an agricultural society fifty years ago, people spent most of their time outdoors (more sunlight) and had no sunscreen. Today, we spend most of our time indoors (less sunlight) and use sunscreen.

Depending on an individual’s lifestyle and which part of the country / world they live in, vitamin D3 supplementation will be different. People outdoors may need less supplementation than people who spend more time indoors or who live in colder, less sunny climates.

vitamin D3 - pexels-alex-green-5699522
Vitamin D3 pills / photo by Alex Green in Pexels

SR / EUR: Can a person take too much vitamin D3?

DR. MATTHEWS: Vitamin D3 toxicity is very rare. A person will have to take more than a million UI in a short period of time. Vitamin D3 deficiency is more dangerous than vitamin D3 toxicity. Vitamin D3 levels below 18 ng / ml increase the risk of death by thirty percent (30%) from all causes, including the corona virus.

Since vitamin D3 levels decrease in the human body with age, along with less physical activity, low supplementation and malnourished diets, it is not surprising that the health of African Americans has been more negatively affected by the coronavirus. Still, many African Americans are suspicious of government-sponsored medical orders and avoid getting vaccines.

SR / EUR: Ask many African Americans if they will get the COVID-19 vaccine and the answer is NO! I’m sure you understand why they are hesitant. You and your family and friends plan to get the vaccine, why or why not?

DR. MATTHEWS: I had all the necessary vaccinations during my 31-year medical career. I knew all the long-term side effects because it took me 5 to 20 years to make a vaccine before corona mRNA vaccines. The long-term side effects of mRNA vaccines are unknown. I’ll have vitamin D3 for now.

SR / EUR: Regarding the COVID-19 virus and the vaccine: Why do health officials (like those on the president’s health panel) rarely talk about preventive maintenance? Is your focus more on selling a vaccine than on the benefits of using cheaper and more affordable supplements?

DR. MATTHEWS: In the medical world, the big money is in intervention and not in prevention; however, one study found that 70% of doctors take supplements, but don’t tell their patients.

SR / EUR: The saying ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ can help people build their immune systems to reduce the chances of viral infections and save sick time and money spent on aftercare. How is your ‘prevention gram’ when it comes to building someone’s immune system? What are some of the ‘old and faithful’ products that you suggest people keep in their homes at all times?

DR. MATTHEWS: A specialist virologist worldwide once said that there are 1,400 viruses with the potential to become a pandemic. Do you take 1,400 injections a year or strengthen your immune system to fight all infections? I would recommend vitamin D3, zinc and vitamin C. These are natural supplements with minimal side effects. I worked with some of the most contagious infectious diseases on the planet and didn’t get any infections during my 31-year medical career.

SR / EUR: Most black men do little in the preventive maintenance of healthcare. They avoid going to medical appointments and rarely take supplements. They spend more time on their external physical appearance – working out in gyms – than looking after the body’s internal systems. What is the best way to change this?

DR. MATTHEWS: Women are generally more concerned with health than men. You must encourage your mothers, wives, sisters and daughters to be more proactive in the health of your men. Men tend to listen to them.

SR / EUR: Please add any information you wish to include and which was not requested.

DR. MATTHEWS: If I have the opportunity, I can help control the corona virus pandemic worldwide in three months. I understand the biology, pathophysiology, biochemistry and pharmacology of the corona virus and vitamin D3. I call vitamin D3 the miracle vitamin of God.

Dr. L. Ray Matthews
Dr. L. Ray Matthews

To find out more about Dr. Matthews and his work in preventive health maintenance, contact him at [email protected].

Steffanie Rivers Story / [email protected]
