These truly wireless in-ear headphones combine unique design and functionality

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Headphones come in many styles, but there is no one-size-fits-all approach. While headphones are undoubtedly the most convenient, they can never match the sound quality or battery life of a set of headphones. And neither works as a substitute for suitable Bluetooth speakers, assuming you want to share music with others at times.

Enter, which provides a device that works like all three. Now available for $ 229 when you use coupon code LISTEN40 to get $ 40 off checkout. The headphones are made up of two pieces, like most portable headphones, but are built with an ear design for better audio quality and more effective adaptive sound. The built-in microphone reproduces incredible audio with two beam-forming microphones, while the battery keeps it running for up to nine hours without a charge.

Perhaps the most innovative design choice is how the two pieces fit together to become a portable Bluetooth speaker with a connectivity range of up to 30 meters. You can not only enjoy your music on the way to the party, but also be the party as soon as you show up.

it also has a built-in language translator, providing instant translation to 10 different languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Italian and Russian. You also do not need to connect them to your phone or install an additional application for translations.

If you are concerned that these designs will damage the sound, this is not what the comments say: Gear Patrol says they “sound better than any pair of wireless headphones”, while Medium’s Roy Kim says they “just sound great”.

If you are interested in a unique pair of headphones that can adapt to any environment, you may want to hear it. This 3-in-1 solution typically costs $ 269, but you can buy it for $ 229 after taking out $ 40 with the LISTEN40 offer code.

Prices subject to change.

Engadget is teaming up with to bring you offers on the latest headphones, gadgets, tech toys and tutorials. This post does not constitute an editorial endorsement, and we won a share of all sales. If you have any questions about the products you see here or previous purchases, please contact StackSocial support here.
