These 3 groups get more side effects from the COVID vaccine, says new study

As with any vaccination, not everyone who takes one of the COVID-19 vaccines will experience side effects. For the vast majority of people who do, they are mild, like pain in the injection arm or fatigue. Some people have no physical effect. But a new study of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that three groups are more likely to report the side effects of the vaccine than others: women, youth, and people who have already taken COVID-19. Read on to find out why. And to ensure your health, remember: Doctors say “NO” do this after your COVID vaccine.

Woman with face mask getting vaccine against Covid-19 in hospital

According to a CDC study who looked at the first month of vaccination, more than 79% of side effects were reported by women, although women accounted for only 60% of vaccines administered. And the severe anaphylactic reaction has been reported almost exclusively by women. Why? Experts are not sure. It may be that women are more likely to report side effects, or that women develop a more aggressive immune response against the coronavirus (which would also explain why more men appear to die from COVID-19).

A woman displays her vaccination card and the “IGotTheShotNYC” banner after leaving the New York Department of Health Vaccine Center at Hillcrest High School in Queens

In clinical vaccine trials, young people reported more side effects than older people. The reason may again be the immune system: young people have a more robust immune system; stronger responses to invading pathogens, in this case, would manifest themselves as more noticeable side effects.

“We know that the immune system changes as we age,” said Dr. Anne Liu, an infectious doctor in Palo Alto, California. “We know that younger people (who contract the coronavirus) have a more robust production of a group of molecules called interferons, which is useful in fighting the virus, and that may be part of the reason why the elderly get worse with COVID. .. The more robust response in young people seems to be a good thing and correlates with young people acquiring the coronavirus without a serious infection. “

African American man with antiviral mask gesturing thumb up during coronavirus vaccination, approving covid-19 immunization

Clinical trials have shown that people who have already contracted the coronavirus had more side effects from the vaccine than people who did not take COVID-19. This may be because the immune system remembers the virus from the previous infection and has a stronger immediate response to the invader introduced by the vaccine. In people whose bodies have not experienced coronavirus, this immune response takes some time to form, which is why some people who have not taken COVID-19 reported more side effects after the second dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

buy from the couch

If you are in one of these groups, know that these reactions are normal immune responses. You may want to make sure that you can relax a day after receiving the second dose of the vaccine.

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Modern Vaccine and Pfizer Covid-19

These findings have not changed the CDC’s recommendations on who should receive the vaccine. And that’s basically everyone, except people who have had severe allergic reactions to vaccines in the past and people who have had a severe allergic reaction to the first dose of a COVID vaccine. If in doubt, ask your doctor for advice. Then get vaccinated when it is available to you and to protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places you’re most likely to reach COVID.
