There will be no Justice League sequels by Zack Snyder – / Movie

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After years of campaigns, protests and billboards funded by crowdfunding, Zack Snyder’s Justice League is finally coming up this week. So, what should fans who have fought for the “Snyder Cut” do with their time and energy now that they have achieved everything they wanted? What they shouldn’t do is prepare to continue the #RestoreTheSnyderVerse campaign in hopes of sequels. According to the filmmaker himself, HBO Max’s next release will be his last film in the universe of DC cinema.

Zack Snyder confirmed that Justice League it will be the last film he will make in the DC universe, effectively shutting down the idea behind the growing #RestoreTheSnyderVerse campaign that is beginning to be assembled as we approach the launch of the long-awaited “Snyder Court”. In an interview with The New York Times, Snyder said that Warner Bros. has no plans to continue with his version of the DC movie universe that is seen in his cut of Justice League, despite injecting US $ 70 million into the project.

“They are 100% moving,” he said. “They consider the theatrical cut of Justice League as a canon. “

But interestingly, Zack Snyder’s Justice League still sets up a sequence, which apparently will never come, according to the filmmaker. The Times asked him why he ended the movie in a time of trouble if he did not intend to continue the story and he said:

“I added it because this would be the last film I would make for DCU, and to have this whole cinematic universe without Batman and the Joker meeting seemed strange … I asked for my version of the film.”

The next Flare movie is supposed to erase “SnyderVerse” – the dark universe of the DC movie on display Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, It is the next Zack Snyder’s Justice League – with a time travel storyline designed to create a multiverse crisis, allowing Ben Affleck’s Batman to leave and Michael Keaton’s Batman to be reintroduced. The Flash will allow Warner Bros. start from scratch, effectively ending Snyder’s time in the DC movie universe – and Snyder doesn’t seem to have any plans to expand “SnyderVerse”.

“I’m trying to put together a film called Horse latitudes, a super-budget film that I will shoot with my friends in South America, ”said Snyder of his upcoming projects. It also has an adaptation by Ayn Rand The Fountainhead in “water bath”, for when the USA is “a less divided country and a slightly more liberal government … so people don’t react to it in a certain way”.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League debuts on HBO Max in March 18, 2021.

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