There is no one more deserving than Corey Linsley

Dominic from Chesapeake, VA

Guys, how much noise can 6,000 fans make in Lambeau? Do you think this could be enough to stop the opposing team’s attack? Despite everything, I hope it will be enough to bring additional energy to the team.

I know what was inside Lambeau Field without fans for the past four months. I think 6,000 will sound like 60,000 compared to that, especially after a big move.

Jeffrey from Sioux Falls, SD

Since UDFAs seem to be one of the most recent discussion topics, who do Spoff and Wes think are the 10 best UDFAs for Packers of all time?

I’m not going to lie … I’m ready for the weekend, Jeff, so let’s limit that to my time covering the Packers (2012 gift) full time: Tramon Williams, Ryan Grant, Sam Shields, John Kuhn, Lane Taylor, Robert Tonyan, Allen Lazard, Evan Smith, Jarrett Bush and Barnes.

With Krys Barnes, a non-hired newbie, does he have a one-year contract? Is there a risk that he will become a free agent at the end of the season?

Unprepared newbies remain under the control of the team with whom they have signed for three years. A UDFA can only sign with a team of its choice if A) is released and releases exemptions, B) signs an offer sheet as a restricted free agent after three seasons of the NFL or C) becomes an invested veteran (four years accumulated) ).

Dominique Dafney was asked whether he would brag more about running for 255 yards in college, taking his first touchdown pass or punching a kickback minutes after the touchdown. He chose the big blow to prove he was tough! Our kind of player! I hope he has another 50 big hits and another 30 touchdowns!

Dafney doesn’t just punch – he loves to pack a punch. This mindset can keep a free agent not in the league for a long, long time.

Steven from Silver Spring, MD

In Dafney, we have another QB who made the transition to TE as a professional. Are there enough cases now to label this as a trend? Find an athletic QB that is not good enough to be a professional QB and transition it using your training team?

I want to clarify something about this – Dafney was not a quarterback. He was a receiver who came in as wild QB because of injuries during the last month of his senior year in Indiana. That said, Green Bay did a fantastic job of finding players who might have been mistreated or not recruited at the university level and developing them.

The whole interview you posted with Dominique Dafney made me smile. A young man with a screwed head and a real love for football. How did you get that question and answer?

It was one of the most fun Zoom calls we’ve had in the entire season. I know I get a lot of criticism for promoting “underdog” stories, but one of the reasons I like them the most is that you’re dealing with ordinary people doing extraordinary things. As Rodgers said earlier this week, this is the beauty of this game.

Now that the regular season is over, what impact did not having pre-season games have on the Packers? Besides the defense, I don’t see a negative impact.

*This reinforces why Rodgers and established veterans probably don’t need to play in the preseason. At the same time, I think it would have benefited Tim Boyle, Jordan Love and all the young players in the bubble a lot to get that job. *

Bruce from Middleville, MI

Good Morning! I think we should all wait for Washington to beat Tampa Bay. That way, we play the (worst record) and New Orleans and Seattle have to fight, as long as the Bears and Rams lose. What do you think?

Hi Wes! I’ve been a longtime reader since Ask Vic, and I love how you and Mike stayed with Inbox! I read almost every day. The other main media related to Packers that I follow is Tom Grossi’s YouTube channel. It was so nice to see two of my favorites get together. It made my day! How long have you known about Tom and watched videos from the NFC / AFC East family? They are pure gold. I hope you find his hat and that I can see you and Tom doing another podcast soon!

I had a lot of fun doing Tom’s Packast. It was one of my favorite interviews I’ve ever done. I have known your videos probably for two years, I estimate. He has such a contagious personality that it makes the show so much fun. Now, I just need to talk to him in that hat.
