Thein Zaw, Associated Press reporter, arrested in Myanmar during bloody protests

Associated Press journalist Thein Zaw remains in detention after being arrested Saturday morning by police in Yangon, Myanmar, while covering protests against the military coup that ousted the elected government of leader Aung San Suu Kyi. , he is being held in the notorious Insein Prison in Yangon, which has long been known for its inhumane treatment of political prisoners. “The Associated Press calls for the immediate release of AP journalist Thein Zaw, who was detained in Myanmar while doing his job,” said Ian Phillips, AP vice president for international news. “Independent journalists must be allowed to report the news freely and safely, without fear of retaliation. The AP condemns in the strongest terms the arbitrary detention of Thein Zaw. “Security forces in the capital Yangon opened fire on protesters on Sunday, killing at least 18 and wounding 30,” said the UN Human Rights Office, citing “reliable information”.

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