The X series controllers | Xbox s have a conveniently hidden trick to switch devices

If you’ve ever found it frustrating to move your Xbox controller from your console to your PC or mobile device, this curiously hidden trick will likely save you a lot of time in the future.

The new line of Xbox Series X controllers | S works with new consoles, older Xbox One consoles and Bluetooth devices such as PCs and smartphones, but they also present a new, convenient way to switch between them without much fuss. Cataloged on Reddit and demonstrated by Timo Wolf on Twitter, you can quickly switch from the console to the PC / cell phone by holding the controller sync button and then back to the console with a double tap.

This only works when moving between a device that uses the Xbox proprietary wireless standard and Bluetooth, which means that you will not be able to remove it if you use an Xbox wireless adapter on your PC. It is likely that the controller will be able to switch between your two types of connections, rather than quickly resynchronizing with a new device, as Logitech LightSpeed ​​devices can do the same with a wireless dongle and Bluetooth connections.

The strange thing is that Microsoft does not explicitly advertise this functionality. Wolf mentions that he only found it thanks to a Reddit topic, and that it is only briefly mentioned on the product page for controllers. Even when mentioned, the page does not explain how to use the functionality, so consider this your last background save.

This is just a feature of the last line of controllers, which comes in a variety of colors. Microsoft released three with the Xbox Series X | S, which included traditional black and white layouts, as well as an impressive combination of blue and white. The latest is that the range is a red and sweet white option that has just launched.

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