The Weeknd reveals why he is choosing to act alone in the Super Bowl

ICYMI: the Weeknd show – also known as the Super Bowl – will be on February 7th. The intermission show must be legendary, judging by his most recent music videos for songs like “Heartless”, “Blinding Lights”, “In Your Eyes” and “Too late”. The videos depict a continuous storyline that explains why he attended events like the American Music Awards and the Video Music Awards with a bloody and injured face (more on that later). It is rumored that it will include a guest artist similar to artists from recent years, such as Shakira with J.Lo and Beyoncé with Coldplay.

“I’ve been reading a lot of rumors. I wouldn’t bet on that,” he told the NFL Network, explaining why he will be doing a solo performance. “There was no space to fit the narrative and story I was telling in the performance. So there are no special guests, no.”

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The “narrative” he is talking about is the story he told through his recent songs and music videos. He appears with a bloody face, bandages and prostheses. “It was a way of incorporating your music.” This is strictly performance art, “said a source Us Weekly. “The Weeknd has been wearing prosthetics as part of the character he’s been playing since November 2019, when he launched After hours was.”

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The Weeknd clarified how the story begins with “Blinding Lights” in a September cover story for Squire. “’Blinding Lights’ [is about] how you want to see someone at night, and you are drunk, and you are driving to that person and you are blinded by the street lights, ”he explained. “But nothing could stop you from trying to go to see that person, because you are very lonely. I never want to promote drunk driving, but that’s the dark tone. ”

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