The Warframe developer insists that nothing changes creatively after the acquisition by Tencent

‘Creatively independent’

Tencent, a stupidly huge Chinese conglomerate, has grown a little more recently. He added Leyou’s assets to his portfolio thanks to a new acquisition.

Leyou is probably not a name you recognize, but some of your studios will look a lot like you. Most notably, Leyou is the parent company of Digital Extremes, developer of Warframe. That’s right – the free-to-play darling Warframe it is now owned by Tencent.

After the acquisition, Digital Extremes was quick to insist that it will not affect anything as much as Warframethe direction of is concerned. In a post on his website, Digital Extremes says “Wand we will remain creatively independent … Tencent is known for respecting the creative decisions and integrity of its studios, and for giving them autonomy and independence to experiment, innovate and thrive. “

As for the future of Warframe, Digital Extremes provides some details. The developer says he is “focused on expanding next generation consoles (Xbox Series X / S), innovating with The New War, moving forward with intense space battles (Corpus Railjack) and more surprises in 2021.” In addition, Digital Extremes will work with Tencent to bring the Chinese version of Warframe up to speed with the western version.

The acquisition of Tencent reaches more teams than just Digital Extremes. This purchase includes splash damage (Gears Tactics developer), Athlon Games, Kingmaker, Radiance and 20 percent of Certain Affinity (co-developer of Halo Infinite)

Digital Extremes partners with Tencent [Digital Extremes]
