The victims in the Arkansas Christmas Day massacre were all women

The five people found dead in their home in the Arkansas Christmas Day massacre were all women and members of the same family, according to local authorities.

Pope County sheriff Shane Jones has released new details about the shooting in Atkins, a town of 3,000, 50 miles north of Little Rock in a press conference Saturday afternoon. He said the victims, two adults and three young people, were between 8 and 50 years old, and some were shot to death in what he described as a “domestic” incident.

“We believe that this is an isolated incident and we do not feel that there is any continuing danger to the local public,” he said.

There were no suspects on the loose, he said. The sheriff’s office did not disclose identities.

Police were called to a home on Pine Ridge Road at 5:14 pm on Christmas Day

The Arkansas State Police are assisting the Pope County Sheriff’s Office in the investigations.
