The Vatican says it will not bless same-sex unions, calling homosexuality a ‘sin’ and a ‘choice’

Explaining his decision in a long note on Monday, the Holy See referred to homosexuality as a “choice”, suggested that it is sinful and said that “it cannot be recognized as objectively ordained” to God’s plans; a combative stance that is sure to disappoint millions of gay Catholics and lesbians worldwide.

“The blessing of homosexual unions cannot be considered lawful,” wrote the Vatican’s main doctrinal office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in the statement.

God “does not bless and cannot bless sin,” added the statement.

Pope Francis, who has often been praised for his welcoming tone to LGBTQ people both inside and outside the Church, approved the note.

The decision is a setback for Catholics who expected the institution to modernize its approach to homosexuality. Dozens of countries, including many in Western Europe, have legalized same-sex marriage, and the Church’s reluctance to embrace LGBTQ people has long had the potential to keep it away from younger followers.

“It is not lawful to give blessings to relationships or partnerships, even if stable, that involve sexual activity outside of marriage, as is the case with same-sex unions,” the statement said.

The statement says that gays and lesbians, as individuals, can receive a blessing if they live according to the teachings of the Church.

“[This decision] it does not exclude the blessings given to individual persons with homosexual inclinations, who manifest the will to live in faithfulness to the revealed plans of God, as proposed by the teachings of the Church ”.

Blessing same-sex unions, the Vatican said, would send a signal that the Catholic Church approves and encourages “a choice and lifestyle that cannot be recognized as objectively ordained to God’s revealed plans.”

The statement says that “God Himself never ceases to bless each of His pilgrim children in this world … but He does not and cannot bless sin.”

In a commentary provided with the statement, the Vatican said that “the negative judgment on the blessing of same-sex unions does not imply a judgment on persons”.

The statement was issued as a “response” to questions from pastors and the faithful on the issue.
