The target launches the ball with Sanrio amiibo cards

As I mentioned today, money changers suck. Many of them stole a bunch of Sanrio Animal Crossing amiibo cards that went on sale today and Target and started selling them on eBay for ridiculous prices.

So, how did it happen? As we’ve seen with new consoles and things like that, getting new things is almost as difficult as getting vaccinated. However, something like that, which should have no problem, was full of them. Because?

It turns out that Target had a lot to do with it. As time goes by and more and more reports arrive, people start to question why people on Twitter keep posting photos that show they are holding several. How did they manage to buy this?

They shouldn’t.

Target’s announcements for the event stated that the event would be online only and that you would have to place your order through the website first. The good people out there did just that. It turns out that Target Corporate are two different heads of the same hydra and none of them communicate well.

As time went by today, more and more people started to post that they were confident they could make it today because they had pre-ordered through the website. However, they were surprised to find that their order was canceled.

The reason is that most stores, when they learned that the item was released today, absolutely did not want to deal with people and just sold them. “Oh, did you want to get the package you put money in? Sorry, we sold all of our inventory to some clown on Twitch who wanted to donate it to subscribers. “

This is also far from being an isolated thing. Apparently, many money changers just cooled off at Target and, although something like this clearly needs to be one per customer, it came out with most of the stock. One person even told me that the person behind her in the queue asked for “all that remains” and was delivered.

So even though the money changers and the people who empty the stocks are still absolutely terrible people, it is something that could have been avoided if Target had done the incredibly simple thing of just following its own stated rules.

The positive side is that, as the event caused almost nothing but bad public relations for Nintendo, I hope that means that they will think twice before working with the company again.
