The story of Zack Snyder’s army of the dead is an assault full of zombies

Director Zack Snyder’s next film, Army of the Dead, will be an assault film full of zombies that Snyder promises will be 100% zombie chaos.

The next director Zack Snyder Army of the Dead is set to be a full zombie assault when it arrives exclusively on Netflix later this year. The long-awaited film has been the subject of much discussion and conjecture since it was officially announced just under a year ago.

Widely known for his work in a multitude of superhero films over the past decade, Snyder made his directorial debut with 2004 Dawn of the Dead. Like a remake of the famous zombie film by George A. Romero, a 1978 film of the same name, Dawn of the Dead did very well with horror fans after its release, instantly putting Snyder in the spotlight. But instead of following the film with more explorations of the genre, Snyder moved on to different activities, receiving additional acclaim two years later with 300, before diving headlong into the superhero genre. Despite his affectionate allegiance to all things of the superhero, Snyder never abandoned his roots of terror, announcing that Army of the Dead it would be his next extremely satisfying project for fans of horror films.

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As one of the most anticipated films of 2021, Snyder’s Army of the Dead is currently the focus of an exclusive episode behind the scenes of EW. Insisting that your film will contain “100 percent zombie chaos, ”Snyder made it clear that this was more than just an ordinary zombie story, thanks to the pair of a robbery movie in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Assuring anxious fans that, in addition to its elements of terror and theft, the new film will also contain “real warmth and emotion” in its characters, Snyder said:

“It’s a full zombie assault film, so it’s genre about genre in a great way. So you expect pure zombie confusion and you get it, 100 percent. But also these really amazing characters on a fantastic journey. It will surprise people that there is a lot of warmth and real emotion with these great characters. “

Cast of the film Army of the Dead

The zombie genre had a major resurgence in the early 2000s, thanks in large part to films like 28 days later and said Dawn of the Dead redo. The definition of what a zombie was and how it behaved seemed to be changing, but despite the flurry of films that arrived over two decades, a film that follows an assault on a casino during a zombie apocalypse has never been attempted. In fact, Snyder admits that he had previously presented the film to Warner Bros., but the studio felt it was too much money to spend on a zombie film. After spending years in the dreaded development hell, it was Netflix who finally approached and decided to take a chance.

It may seem strange to think that someone’s priority during a zombie apocalypse would be to rob a casino, since the money probably wouldn’t be worth much. But that can be taking the whole thing very seriously. Apparently, Snyder’s Army of the Dead is turning into a lot of fun – something people desperately need in 2021.

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Source: EW

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