The Senator from S. Carolina suggests that everyone is a member of the militia

COLOMBIA, SC (AP) – A senator from South Carolina has a proposal to ensure that no federal law can seize weapons – make anyone over 17 who can legally own a gun a member of a militia.

South Carolina Constitution allows the governor to summon an “unorganized militia” of any “physically fit male citizen” between the ages of 18 and 45. State Senator Tom Corbin’s proposal would automatically expand the number of members to all those over 17 and who might have a weapon.

Supporters of the bill he said that if everyone is a member of a militia, then everyone falls under the opening clause of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which begins with “A well-regulated militia”. Thus, a federal law restricting arms would not apply in South Carolina, since almost all residents would be in the unorganized militia.

“This would prevent the federal government from confiscating any of its weapons. Because, after all, the federal government cannot disarm a standing army, ”said Corbin, a Republican from Travelers Rest.

No one came to talk about the bill at a Senate subcommittee meeting on Tuesday, and the meeting was not broadcast over the internet like many of them during the pandemic.

The subcommittee approved bill 2-1 on party lines. He will be referred to a committee meeting on Wednesday.

Tuesday’s meeting was scheduled before Monday’s shooting at a Colorado grocery store that killed 10 people. Democratic Senator Kevin Johnson reminded other senators of that mass murder and another the week before, in which eight people were shot to death at three massage companies in the Atlanta area.

Johnson said he supports the right to arms and that he, his wife and three children have concealed weapons permits, but the project appeared to be a solution in search of a problem.

“Guys, this country is crazy. We have local terrorists. I’m sure those people who invaded the Capitol on January 6 probably felt they were members of some kind of militia, ”said Johnson, of Manning.

The proposal would allow disorganized militiamen to carry any weapon legally permitted at the end of 2020. Anyone who does not want to be a militiaman can resign and “resume his civilian status,” according to the project.

The disorganized militia has a long history and little use in South Carolina’s 245 years. The state constitution created it.

State law allows the governor to summon “in the event of imminent danger of war, insurrection, rebellion, invasion, turmoil, mutiny, resistance to the law or process or violation of the peace” if the regular National Guard cannot deal with the threat.

Evidence of a governor summoning someone to arms is sparse in South Carolina’s history. Corbin had to return to the Revolutionary War and a revered South Carolina military officer.

“Not since Francis Marion and Swamp Fox shot the British,” said Corbin.

Corbin first introduced this project in 2013, the same day that then President Barack Obama proposed to ban some assault rifles that were not approved. He said it was no coincidence that he proposed again in 2021, after another Democrat, President Joe Biden, took office.

“With a Republican administration in control in Washington, I was not afraid of any arms confiscation,” said Corbin.

Johnson has observed for more than a decade that Republicans have fueled fears that Democratic presidents take their weapons off and nothing has happened.

“I would like to see if we have any documentation or evidence that the federal government is entering people’s homes. I keep hearing it, but I just don’t see any indication, ”said Johnson. “Most of the people I know respect people’s rights to carry guns.”


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