The PS4 firmware update will add requested features and remove communities

The new firmware update for the PS4 offers users what they’ve been wanting for a while and eliminates an underutilized feature to improve the user interface.

A new firmware update for the PS4 offers some concessions by adding some requested features and removing Communities. Sony’s next-generation console is being kept relevant, with many developers continuing to support games on the system and new titles being released for it. The current generation of consoles is still trying to catch up, with its predecessor maintaining its presence as a starting point for many gamers, while Sony and Microsoft are trying to increase the offer to retailers and consumers.

As such, multiplatform gaming has become even more coveted among fans, with titles like Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War supporting the feature. In addition, PS5 users can still play many of their favorite PS4 exclusives on the new system, such as Tsushima’s Ghost and Final Fantasy VII Remake, the last of which recently announced Yuffie DLC coming to PS5. As the industry continues to shift toward the current game generation, keeping the previous generation of the console up to date remains critical to continued fan support.

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For this purpose, MP1ST reports that the new PS4 firmware update adds certain features while removing others. The main asset that the update implements is the ability for users to enable or disable notifications for individual groups in messages. In addition, fans can now request to participate in a game session from the session leaders, who can then invite players to their game. The update also gives players more anonymity when playing games that they have hidden, as other players will no longer see what they are playing. Finally, Communities will no longer be available.

PlayStation consoles rated on PS4

Firmware updates are the silent supporters of the technology. Phones, controllers, consoles, routers and more benefit from your applications. The PS4, while no longer the most advanced system available to Sony, is still a stellar piece of technological advancement and maintains a giant user base. Until Sony can mass-produce the PS5 at a faster rate (after the world opens up again), the previous generation console will likely remain the main system that many fans use.

Players are known for being frank, quick to point out any imperfections (as well as praise each milestone). If Sony didn’t keep the PS4 up to date, despite the launch of the PS5 in November 2020, the company would hear about it frequently. Fortunately, there is a possibility that locks will be lifted in the near future, and the tech conglomerate may be in a position to put PS5s in the hands of more users and gradually leave the PS4 backwards, especially if the current generation system maintains its backward compatibility support for PS4 titles.

Next: When the PS4 exclusivity for Final Fantasy 7 Remake ends

Source: MP1ST

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