The project proposed by Razer Hazel is a face mask for players

Many manufacturers are trying to make the masks more elegant. The iconic game hardware developer Razer has something else in mind.

As the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic continues around the world, many manufacturers have entered the face mask game, creating unique and stylish masks to help keep people safe. One of the strangest innovations was that of Razer Hazel Project, a high-tech face mask designed for players. The project was recently revealed at CES, but if Hazel could become a reality, let alone how much it would cost and when it would be available, it has not yet been announced.

Although the term player mask can give you a break, you can be sure that the mask part is the most important. Hazel has a N95 surgical respirator with high resistance to fluids, active ventilation of up to 95 percent of airborne particles and a special box lined with ultraviolet lights that can kill any bacteria or virus while charging. How long these fans can last after purchase is unclear and is still being tested by Razer. The mask is also transparent, unlike most other masks; this would not only allow for a wider range of expression, but would also open up accessibility options for those who need to communicate through lip reading.

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It is still geared towards players, however, it has some peculiarities. To begin with, the overall design is an elegant, waterproof plastic casing with a distinctive style, not unlike the Razer line of gaming and PC hardware. The mask would have RGB LEDs that can change color with the same technology that Razer uses on its gaming peripherals. Hazel will also include a built-in voice amplifier, allowing you to be heard loud and clear without being muffled. Despite all the advanced technology placed on this mask, Razer said it is comfortable to wear. The seals around the nose and chin are made of silicone protection and the ear straps are adjustable to find the right fit.

Razer is a technology company specializing in designing and developing gaming-related hardware and accessories. Many of its products include gaming laptops, tablets and towers, as well as peripherals such as mice, keyboards and audio devices. While many were quick to call this a joke product, let’s not forget that weird game products were released that turned out to be real, including the recent KFConsole from KFC, a next-generation PC that has a heating chamber for your fried chicken .

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Of course, Hazel’s timing could be her biggest loss. As vaccination efforts begin to take off, more and more people are being immunized against the coronavirus; it may no longer be necessary to wear masks and distance yourself socially when it hits the market, making Hazel quite obsolete. As for the price, with the high-quality materials and technology being planned for the mask, each Hazel could cost hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.

Regardless, masks have been an important topic in the months since the pandemic began, and Hazel can be a big step towards safety. While most masks are not foolproof and require additional steps, such as social detachment, Hazel’s N95 respirator means it would have one of the strongest defenses out there. Hazel was just one of many projects announced at CES by Razer, as they also highlighted their new gaming chair, Project Brooklyn, which has an integrated touch and a curved OLED monitor, but all of these projects remain conceptual. At this point, most people already have several masks to protect themselves from, but maybe we should consider quality instead of quantity, at least until we know more about this project and many others.

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