The plane passed Mar-a-Lago with the banner ‘worst president of all time’

  • A plane with a banner calling Donald Trump “the worst president of all time” was spotted this weekend flying near Mar-A-Lago, his luxury Florida resort.
  • Trump has been staying in Mar-A-Lago since he left the White House.
  • Another banner said to Trump “you pathetic loser, go back to Moscow”.
  • Visit the Business Insider home page for more stories.

A plane with a banner labeling Donald Trump as “the worst president ever” was spotted this weekend flying near Mar-a-Lago, his Florida golf resort, where he has been staying since leaving the White House.

One plane was spotted with a banner that said “Trump, the worst president of all time”, while another said “Trump, your pathetic loser, go back to Moscow,” media outlets like TMZ reported.

The banners were seen by several people, including Daniel Uhlfelder, a lawyer who posted photos of the banners on Twitter.

No one has yet taken responsibility for financing the feat.

The banner echoes a similar incident in 2018, when a man flew on a paraglider over Trump’s Scottish golf resort Turnberry in protest against the president’s visit to the site. The paraglider left a message saying “Trump: just below the #resist pair.”

Trump was seen playing golf at Mar-a-Lago this weekend, where he has stayed since flying from Washington, DC last week, before President Joe Biden took office.

According to the author of a book on the Florida resort, the mood there has become “disheartening” since Trump moved, with worried wealthy members appearing in newspaper reports about the president, who faces several legal problems now that he he is not the longest president.

“Many people left Mar-a-Lago … It’s a sad place for Trump to leave,” Laurence Leamer, author of ‘Mar-a-Lago: Inside the Gates of Power at Donald Trump’s Presidential Palace,’ told MSNBC .

Some of Trump’s new neighbors are also dissatisfied with the prospect of Trump living in Mar-A-Lago full time.

A group of them wrote last year to Palm Beach officials and the United States Secret Service arguing that Trump had no legal right to live at the resort, the Washington Post reported. They cited a legal precedent for an agreement he signed in 1993 to transform the residence into a member club.
