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A doctor prepares a dose of the Oxford-Astra-Zeneca vaccine at a vaccination unit in London on 28 February.
A doctor prepares a dose of the Oxford-Astra-Zeneca vaccine at a vaccination unit in London on 28 February. Hollie Adams / Getty Images

A single dose of Pfizer-BioNTech or Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines reduces the risk of hospitalization for Covid-19 by more than 80% in people over 80, new data from Public Health England (PHE) show.

The effect was seen three to four weeks after vaccination.

People over 70 also showed up to 61% protection against symptomatic diseases with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and up to 73% with the Oxford-Astra-Zeneca vaccine.

“This adds to the growing evidence that vaccines are working to reduce infections and save lives,” said Dr. Mary Ramsay, head of immunization at PHE, in a press release.

During a press conference on Monday, British health secretary Matt Hancock praised the real-world data, noting that the daily death toll in the UK is decreasing “much faster” than at the first peak, and is ” falling faster in people over 80 years old the jab first than in the 80s ”.

The UK has administered Covid-19 vaccines to more than 20 million people, with campaigns initially targeting those over 80, the most vulnerable to the disease.

The new data supports the country’s decision to use the Pfizer-BioNTech and Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines at a time when other European countries have shown concern about using the AstraZeneca vaccine in the elderly.

“These findings are particularly welcome news due to the age group of participants who were 70 or older,” said Deborah Dunn-Walters, president of the British Society for Immunology COVID-19 and Immunology Task Force, and Professor of Immunology at University of Surrey.

“Previous clinical trials for both vaccines did not include many individuals in this age group. This is important because as we age, our immune system does not work as well as it did when we were younger, which means that older people sometimes produce less immune responses to vaccination, “she said.

“The fact that vaccination is effective in significantly reducing symptomatic cases, hospitalizations and deaths from Covid-19 in this age group is really positive news,” added Dunn-Walters.
“While more research is needed, this study also offers more assurance about the UK’s decision to offer both doses of the vaccine 12 weeks apart.”

But Ramsay emphasized the need for people to be vigilant with measures such as social detachment and hand washing.

“It is important to remember that protection is not complete and we do not yet know how much these vaccines will reduce your risk of passing Covid-19 to others,” she said.

Data released last week by PHE from studies in healthcare professionals found that a dose of the vaccine prevented people from contracting asymptomatic Covid-19 by at least 70%, suggesting that vaccines may help reduce the spread of the infection. , but more data is needed.

The UK is increasing the rate of administration of second doses, with just over 800,000 now inoculated with both injections.
