The NYPD launch video shows a woman physically attacking a teenager she claims to have stolen her phone

The video was tweeted on Wednesday night by New York Police Chief Detective Rodney Harrison, who wrote: “The woman in this video falsely accused an innocent 14-year-old teenager of stealing her cell phone. She then physically attacked him and fled the scene before police arrived at the scene. “

Police previously told CNN that they know the woman’s identity and would like to speak to her about the incident. The NYPD declined to comment on whether she is wanted for questioning or whether the charges will be made.

Harrison tweeted the clip from various hotel camera angles, showing a woman in a light-colored cap running to someone who appears to be Harrison’s son in a red cap. The woman grabs him around the waist and the two fall to the floor.

The son of a black musician was falsely accused of stealing a woman's iPhone.  She disputes her account and the racism charges

CNN requested the unedited video from NYPD and Arlo Hotel and both refused to provide a copy.

Harrold and his son are black and were staying at a hotel in Manhattan. The woman’s ethnicity in the video is unclear, although New York police have described her as white.

The video of Harrold’s meeting was widely shared on social media, sparking protests about what many considered to be yet another incident of racial discrimination against black men. The hotel apologized and called the woman’s behavior “baseless accusation, prejudice and aggression against an innocent guest”.

Harrold said in an Instagram post that he and his son had left the hotel room for breakfast when they found the woman.

The teenager’s parents, Keyon Harrold Jr., and his lawyer Ben Crump said on Wednesday that they met with the Manhattan Prosecutor’s Office. They told Don Lemon of CNN that the prosecutor said the video was worse than what the father posted on Instagram on Sunday.

The parents and their lawyer say the incident was racially motivated, but the NYPD said on Tuesday that it is not being investigated as a crime of prejudice.

After watching the surveillance video, investigators are considering accusing the woman of assault and possibly theft or attempted theft, Harrison said on Tuesday.

The woman’s phone was returned to her at the hotel moments after the incident by a shared vehicle she used before attempting to check into the hotel, according to Harrison.

The woman did not introduce herself, but CNN on Tuesday was the first news agency to speak to her over the phone. She disputed Harrold’s account of what happened.

Although the 22-year-old woman claimed that she was beaten during the fight, CNN was unable to corroborate her report with investigators or the hotel where the incident occurred.

In a 20-minute telephone interview in which she acted erratically and sometimes rambled, she said the incident unfolded after she asked to see the hotel’s surveillance video to try to identify who may have taken her phone.

She said she then asked another person in the hotel lobby to “empty the pocket” before finally confronting Keyon Harrold Jr., who she said had the phone in her pocket.

“That’s when everything got a little more serious,” said the woman, referring to the interaction.

The woman said she would be willing to cooperate, speak to the NYPD and the Harrold family. CNN has made repeated and unsuccessful attempts to contact the woman since Tuesday.

CNN’s Faith Karimi, Carma Hassan and Nakia McNabb contributed to this report.
