The number of vaccines grows, but the use of the mask and social distance are maintained | News

As an increasing number of San diegans are vaccinated against COVID-19, the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency is reminding the community that it is too early to stop using facial coverage and distance. Social. These measures will be necessary in the foreseeable future to slow the spread of the virus.

Although the two FDA-authorized vaccines have shown promising results in clinical trials, it takes several weeks for immunizations to become fully effective. In addition, it remains to be seen whether a vaccinated person can potentially catch and spread COVID-19 to someone who has not been vaccinated.

“Even though some of your older relatives and friends have received the vaccination, we ask that you postpone visits with them until the end of this year, when you are fully vaccinated and protected as well,” said Wilma J. Wooten, MD, MPH, County public health agent. “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, but we can only end this pandemic when collective immunity is achieved.”

Herd immunity refers to the stage of the pandemic when the majority of the population is immune to the virus, either because a person received the vaccine or because they developed antibodies after a COVID-19 infection. Public health officials say we will need to vaccinate up to 80% of the US population to obtain collective immunity.

So far, just over 10% of San Diegans 16 and older have received at least one of the two injections needed to develop protection against antibodies to the virus.

Until most of the region is fully protected, San Diegans must limit their interactions with people outside their homes. Although small meetings are currently allowed, they should be limited to no more than three families and interactions should take place outdoors. People should also keep their distance and use a face shield.

“The end of this pandemic will require us to take advantage of all the tools available to us,” said Wooten. “For now, we need to have a little more patience and continue masking and social detachment, in addition to getting the vaccine, so that we can get back to normal as soon as possible.”
