The next day: an Xbox 360 ‘Goldeneye 007’ port can now be played on your PC

If you need something to watch this weekend, this is not the last episode of WandaVision, take a virtual vacation with these Super Nintendo World tour videos. Although the park is not yet officially open, fans are already checking out the sidewalks and cafes and have been making videos of the experience for everyone who cannot enter.

Super Nintendo World

If that is not enough for your nostalgia, there is another old but new treat for Nintendo fans. A port of Goldeneye 007 for the Xbox 360 it has never seen the light of day due to licensing issues, but a leaked ROM means that you can now play it on your PC or just watch a video of someone else playing it.

– Richard Lawler

The expensive starter device could be launched next year.

Apple ARKit 2

According to a source with “direct knowledge” of the device, The information reports that Apple’s mixed reality headset will contain more than a dozen cameras to track motion and show real-world video to the person using it. Apparently, it also includes two 8K monitors, giving you an effective resolution that would far exceed anything currently on the market.
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Therefore, update as soon as possible.

Are you reading this using a computer with the Google Chrome browser installed? Take a break and make sure you are updated to the latest version (88.0.4324.150). Without disclosing any details, Google pushed this update to fix a single flaw reported last month by a security researcher. It is vital that you get the fix as soon as possible because reports indicate that attackers are already taking advantage of it.

We must find out later; however, based on the time mentioned in the ad, ZDNet speculates that this may be linked to an exploit used by North Korean hackers to target security researchers.
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The Lego Ideas program is responsible for this.

Lego Sonic Mania Concept

The 24-year-old Sonic Fan’s Green Hill Zone design, based on the excellent version of the Sonic Mania level, won over 10,000 community votes that a design needs before Lego considers making it official. Lego did not say when the set would go on sale, but mentioned that it would be available globally as soon as it was ready.
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iOS 14

Apple’s confidence in Face ID to unlock the iPhone has hit an obstacle with the pandemic and associated mask use in public areas. The next version of iOS offers a shortcut for Apple Watch users that should help deal with frustration, and now you can try it out. The beta version of iOS 14.5 is available to the public, so if you’re using multiple Apple devices with you and need to be among people, it’s worth a look. Of course, all the usual warnings about beta software and potential incompatibilities / instabilities apply. Keep reading.
