The new update 1.1 for Cyberpunk 2077 features a bug to break the game

Cyberpunk 2077The company’s great new patch 1.1 introduced a bug that breaks the game. Eurogamer reports that the “Down on the Street” mission appears to be broken for some players. The mission includes a holocall that should trigger progress through the main part of the Cyberpunk 2077plot of. Unfortunately, some players are reporting that the call remains silent and blocks the game from progressing.

The developer CD Projekt Red has published a workaround for the problem, but requires players to save the game first to try to make the holocall work properly. Here are the steps:

  1. Load a gameave before Takemura and V leave Wakako’s office
  2. End conversation with Takemura out of the office immediately
  3. Just after the conversation ends and when the mission is updated, skip 23h
  4. See if the holocall fires and the dialogue with Takemura begins

Cyberpunk 2077 has been plagued by bugs since its release on December 10, and CD Projekt Red has released three hotfixes to try to fix some of the initial problems. Fortunately, most of the bugs and problems were not meant to break the game as players discovered this week.

This new update 1.1 should be the first major patch to introduce stability improvements, not bugs that break the game. CD Projekt Red is also planning another major 1.2 patch that should be a “bigger and more significant update” that will arrive “in the weeks after” this latest patch 1.1. It is not yet clear whether there will be a quick hotfix to resolve this latest issue.
