The Metal Gear Solid board game has been canceled

The illustration for the article titled iMetal Gear Solids / iBoard Game has been canceled

Image: IDW

IDW was supposed be launching Metal Gear Solid: the board game later this year, but after a succession of delays, the company decided to abandon the project.

How Dicebreaker report, after delaying the game from “early 2019” to “summer 2020” and then to “2021”, IDW felt it needed to make even more adjustments to the original design and that “Ultimately, the amount of time that it took to implement these changes just got longer than expected and our window to send the game on deadline. ”

Although IDW’s involvement with the game is now over, it is not necessarily a curtain to the game itself. Creator Emerson Matsuuchi offered to pay IDW to put the game on the shelves, and when they declined the offer, he started the process of working with Nazca Games to get his hands on MEtal Gear Konami’s own license.

ÇStill, Matsuuchi is “optimistic” about his chances, given the complexity of international licensing, who knows how it will end.
