‘The Masked Singer’ Raccoon is an action movie star and bad boy

Leave it to a guy who built an entire empire of tacos and donuts, rocked in action movies like From Dusk Till Dawn and Grindhouse, and appeared in several Slayer music videos to dress like a hungry raccoon and do two of the most trash-rockin ‘shows of Masked singer story.

Yes, at the end of The masked singerAt the Group A performance show on Wednesday, it was revealed that the only actor / restaurant Danny Trejo was hiding behind Raccoon’s ringing eyes – after he squeaked his way through “Ring of Fire”, an outlaw performance a little bit less unbalanced than his cover of Troggs’ classic three-chord proto-punk garage, “Wild Thing”, on the premiere of season 5.

Judges guessed that all kinds of rebels and eccentrics may be behind the Raccoon mask, including Nick Nolte, Sammy Hagar, Joe Pesci, Danny DeVito, Tony Danza, Sylvester Stallone, Jon Voight, Dustin Hoffman (There is?) and Gary Busey. I even guessed Busey a few weeks ago, based on “Wild Thing”, a crazy number that made Mickey “The Gremlin” Rourke from Season 4 look monotonous and in tune.

But this week’s clues about Raccoon learning to box with his uncle, becoming an actor late in life and training other actors to fight – along with his aforementioned story about prison and redemption – made it clear that it was Danny. If the Raccoon had pulled a taco or donut (or perhaps a machete) from one of those trash cans on stage, the judges would have found out.

“I feel like a winner, I don’t care!” Trejo said with a smile after being eliminated. “Besides, I was a cute raccoon!” He also shared a sweet moment with Judge Jenny McCarthy-Wahlberg, saying, “Jenny, I am helping to raise two autistic children, and you know what? I love the work you do. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. ” Ah. Trejo really was a cute character tonight.

So, there were three other cosplayer celebrities left in Group A … or actually four, as this week’s episode featured the first “wildcard” competitor in this “game-changing season”: a bright blue whale called Orca, which came out of nowhere with a big splash and made big waves. Here are the singers from Group A who performed well to maintain their masks for at least one more round:

Russian Dolls, “Marvelous”

After splitting into two separate singing groups at the premiere of Season 5, this week these replicable collectibles have multiplied and regenerated again, giving rise to a third smaller doll with an equally massive voice. (And, apparently, there is one not yet seen bedroom doll, according to some pranks heard backstage!) Judge Nicole Scherzinger was delighted with her “real lead vocals” and Robin Thicke, rightly, “dazzled”.

Clues: We saw a solar system with three planets, a school jacket with the letter M and a banjo. They admitted that “they were not always in unison”, revealed that one of the dolls was once hospitalized with a serious health scare and mentioned the word “pop”. In the previous episode, Russian Dolls said that “they used to be the hottest toy in the world”, but people “tried to put them in a box”, so now they are “doing their own thing for some time”.

Judges’ guesses: Lady A, Sugarland, the Jacksons, Boyz II Men.

My guess: There is no need to “imagine” here. This is undoubtedly the independent pop trio “MMMBop” Hanson, whose older brother Isaac almost died of pulmonary embolism in 2007. (And yes, there is a fourth musical Hanson brother, Mac, who may or may not be in one of those fantasy dolls. ) In addition, Russian dolls sounds exactly like Hanson. His harmonies have not changed much since his first television performance to change the game, playing acoustics on MTV The Jenny McCarthy Show in 1997 – so I think Jenny is just making a fool of herself. Let’s go you know this is not the damn Lady A.

The Robopine, “All of Me”

Directly serenading Nicole with the slow jam with heart on John Legend’s spiked sleeve, the artist formerly known as Porcupine made a legendary performance. “First season 5 tears! When you sang that song, everything else stopped, ”said Nicole, flattered. Nicole even said that this was her favorite Masked singer performance of all time (flattery will take you everywhere, Robopine) and called the eccentric singer “unbeatable”.

Clues: He has been “upset recently”, but competing in The masked singer made this 60-year-old porcupine feel sharp again. The visual clues included police sirens, lightning bolts, superheroes, a plush cat, a royal throne and a painting of a blond metal rocker. He also mentioned having grown up in Costa Rica, performing on “big stages”, overcoming arachnophobia and deeply admiring sanitation workers (who instilled a strong work ethic in him). Robopine’s previous clues referred to a difficult childhood, whether in Washington DC or Washington State, a “random call” from an “angel” who “said hello” and the fact that he had several children and grandchildren.

Judges’ guesses: Brian McKnight (who, it should be noted, was already in the The masked dancer), Jason Derulo, Wesley Snipes, Eddie Murphy. (I think the judges same don’t believe that fast Robopine is over 60, huh?)

My guess: I was I will take Robopine’s word and say that this is the young Babyface, 61 years old. And Tyrese Gibson and Jamie Foxx also seem like legitimate assumptions, based only on vocals. But this Costa Rican clue baffled me. I have a feeling that when the mask falls – which may not be until the end, at this rate – it will be one of the biggest surprises in the history of the show.

The Seashell, “Confident”

This marine goddess was shy during her first performance, admitting that she had not sung on stage for a long time. But she came out of her shell this week and was given a standing ovation by the judges. “Girl, are you did what! “Niecy Nash gasped and impressed the guest host.

Clues: We saw a small black dog and a black cat, a two-minute timer, baseballs and bagels. She mentioned that her significant other is an “athlete” and said that she “wears many hats” (represented by a tornado of books, exercise equipment, microphones and food bowls). The last time Seashell performed, we saw a hot dog, a chameleon, a witch’s broom, a freedom bell and a cowboy hat, and it was implied that she was a former child star.

Judges’ guesses: Ashlee Simpson, Jenny Slate, Hilary or Haylie Duff.

My guess: I originally imagined Tia or Tamera Mowry; I am now restricting that hunch to Tamera, who is married to former professional baseball player Adam Housley.

The Orca, “We are not taking this”

This “wildcard” character disrupted the show and gave the best musical performance of marine life since Left Shark stole Katy Perry’s thunder in the Super Bowl XLIX. The judges were swinging, even jumping on their tables and raising their fists, to the anti-authority anthem of the Twisted Sister. And that loudest scream at the end was so loud that it almost sounded like a dolphin’s whistle. “You can’t fake that kind of voice,” said Robin. “That was one of my favorite performances of any season!”

Clues: Orca, which is “always the biggest fish in each scene” and catches the “biggest waves”, was portrayed running a pizzeria (under the address 1313 Melville Court) and serving lemon, orange and pumpkin pizza (disgusting) for $ 9 or $ 4. The pizza apparently “shaped your life” as Orca used to hide his VHS audiotapes in the pizza boxes he delivered to showbiz executives. And this tactic worked – which was a good thing, because at that point he was 24 years old and was about to be a “high point”, and his father had given him a deadline that he had to meet at 25. We also saw a hawk, a bowl of hard candy and a clock set to 2:59.

Judges’ guesses: Dave Grohl, Laird Hamilton, Gordon Ramsey, Billy Corgan, Kevin Bacon.

My guesses: This may be a different Foo Fighter, Taylor Hawkins – who is a great rock ‘n’ roll singer in his side bands Chevy Metal and Coattail Riders; he once said that he would be “delivering pizzas” to live if Alanis Morrisette hadn’t given him his big break two decades ago; grew up in Orange County (specifically the Laguna Beach surfside, which is in area code 949); and has a hawk tattoo. Or… it could be Rami Malek, who won an Oscar in the role of rock star and (HERE IS THE GREAT TRACK) used to record his photos and resumes on pizza boxes! It seems like a strange career change from going to portray Freddie Mercury to portraying a PVC inflatable whale, but hey, at least Rami is versatile, if this is him. And if that It is he, so maybe Rami will soon have a Golden Mask trophy to put in his fireplace next to his Oscar statuette.

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