The lawyer will request a grand jury to consider criminal charges against Deshaun Watson

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In addition to taking 12 lawsuits and counting Texas quarterback Deshaun Watson, attorney Tony Buzbee will start an effort on Monday to start a criminal case against Watson.

“Following the advice of a well-known criminal defense lawyer,” said Buzbee on Saturday night on social media, “[o]Our team will present testimonials and evidence from several women who have had experiences with Deshaun Watson, to the Houston Police Department and to the Houston District Attorney on Monday morning. We will request that a grand jury be formed to consider the evidence we provide. “

Requesting the installation of a grand jury will not automatically result in the installation of a grand jury. First, prosecutors must decide whether to pursue cases.

The high degree of evidence beyond any reasonable doubt becomes an important factor for prosecutors in their decision to pursue criminal cases. Most prosecutors only pursue issues that they know they can overcome. Cases based on two witnesses who will test diametrically opposed stories become difficult to prove beyond any reasonable doubt.

It will be up to the Public Prosecution Service to decide on the good exercise of the broad discretion that the Ministry has. This will be based on the evidence received from Buzbee, and on everything Watson’s lawyer makes available, if any, to persuade prosecutors that there is reasonable doubt.
