The Internet Is Loving Denzel Washington’s new thriller

As box office receipts have proven steadily, the public is never tired of Denzel Washington playing a current or former law veteran or government official with a troubled past who unravels a conspiracy or conducts an investigation in which he has serious personal interests.

If your favorite entry in this particular and highly specific subgenre is Ricochet, Crimson Tide, Devil in a blue dress, Fallen, The siege, The Bone Collector, Out of time, Man on fire, The Manchurian Candidate, Inner man, Deja Vu, The Taking of Pelham 123, Unstoppable, 2 weapons or The equalizer duology, the 66-year-old actor’s preference for crime and action genres has resulted in extremely fun emotions over the years.

The latest effort by the two-time Oscar winner has now reached HBO Max, although it is safe to say that The little things it will not go down in history books as one of your best efforts. Said that, Denzel Washington is as reliable as ever in the lead, with Rami Malek giving solid support as a famous detective and Jared Leto once again fully incorporating an eccentric freak as the prime suspect in a murder case.

The criticisms have been lukewarm, with The little things it currently holds an average Rotten Tomatoes score of 48%, but as you can see from the reactions below, it is playing much better with HBO Max subscribers.

The little things

If you’ve seen half a dozen crime thrillers, then you can predict exactly how the general traits of crime The little things will unfold, although the third act is comfortingly ambiguous. That said, for HBO Max’s banner year of simultaneously premiering its movies in streaming and in theaters, it is a disheartening opening salvo.
