The GTA Online player corrects the terrible load times of the game and receives $ 10K

Today GTA Online update is short, sweet and contains a “thank you” to a player named t0st. Rockstar is also rewarding t0st with $ 10,000. The reason for this reward? After logging in to try the latest thefts, t0st was so frustrated with the load times that he started looking for a solution to one of the most persistent problems in the game.

The full patch notes can be found on the Rockstar support website, along with previous updates.

[March 16, 2021] – General / Miscellaneous (PS4 / Xbox / PRAÇA)

General network connectivity improvements

General / Miscellaneous (PC)

Improved PC load times * Thanks to t0st for your contributions to this part of today’s title update

This correction may seem small, but it is a big improvement for the GTA Online experience. Loading times for Los Santos were extremely long. When you’re ready and ready for crime, sitting and watching the loading screen for a full six minutes really takes your breath away from your sails.

The T0st update reduced the load time by 70% on his test equipment, and he made his findings public. Rockstar confirmed that the fix was legitimate for the PC Gamer and further stated: “After a thorough investigation, we can confirm that the player actually revealed an aspect of the game code related to the loading times of the PC version of GTA Online that could be improved.”

The $ 10,000 reward comes from a Bug Bounty program, which offers rewards to players who discover privacy or security issues in Rockstar games. This is the first time that the Bug Bounty pays for someone who discovers a technical problem.
