Google Drive makes it easy to collaborate with anyone on documents, slide shows and spreadsheets. Being able to comment on a coworker’s project plan or receive feedback on your next presentation helps to improve your bottom line. Outside of email alerts, however, it can be difficult to track requests, tasks and notes about your work within Drive. To help manage your tasks, Google is adding a notification tab within the Drive app for Android that allows you to view activity on all files stored in the cloud.

The new notification menu can be found within the Drive app for all Google accounts – although we should note, it is not yet available for everyone. To find it, simply select the Priority icon in the application’s navigation bar, if you’re a Workspace user, or the Home icon, if not, and tap the new Notifications tab below the search bar. All Drive-related notifications will be listed here, although you can adjust your settings to control what’s going on and what’s not.

From each notification, you can view file information, open related documents and share with your collaborators. You also don’t need to have Drive device notifications enabled to use this tab, so your phone can be silent while offering additional management tools.

The new Google Drive notification center is available on the app starting today and is expected to reach all users in the next two weeks.

Google Drive
Google Drive