The Galaxy S21 is a beautiful phone

After seeing the Galaxy S21 line-up on countless images, my thoughts on its design have not necessarily changed much – I have always admitted that its unique verse was done with good taste. But after seeing new real-world photos this week, I thought again that this is one of the most stylishly designed phones in some time. What a beautiful phone the Galaxy S21 is.

You may be tempted to point out that the design is not really that different from this year’s Galaxy S20 and you would not be incorrect. We still have the front with full screen with front camera with centralized hole punch. The back appears to be very glassy with a large camera housing. The rest of the design bits are insignificant.

For some reason, the camera housing is pushing this upwards. It is like the edge of a waterfall in a pool. It looks dangerous, so you can’t take your eyes off it. It is a risky project whose reward is clear, because nothing else compares to its uniqueness. Cutting a piece of the corner of the phone, Samsung separates the camera to remind you that it is there, while merging it with the entire body of the phone. It is very magical.

And that is really all that ties it together as special. The front, although it may have even smaller bezels than the S20, is not so remarkable. Less frame can actually impair its usability. But that rear part will make the S21 stand out against a sea of ​​recent phones, all with the same design.

I can’t wait to have this beauty in my hands.

Galaxy S21

Galaxy S21

// @MauriQHD
