The founder of the closed LGBTQI center in Ghana says he fears for his safety

Alex Kofi Donkor, who runs the center called ‘LGBT + Rights Ghana’ in the country’s capital, Accra, told CNN on Thursday that he is now concerned about his safety after the operation.

“I just contacted our lawyers, there is an unsafe situation at the moment and I need to go offline,” Donkor told CNN.

The community center – which opened on January 31 in a ceremony attended by a delegation from the European Union and other foreign embassies – has faced opposition from the start and has drawn a lot of anger among locals who have called for its closure.

Ghana outlaws same-sex relationships and intolerance and violence against lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people continue to prevail among the population of Ghana, Human Rights Watch said.
Being in a same-sex relationship in Ghana’s LGBT can attract between three and 25 years in prison, according to the country’s penal code.

A spokesman for the Ghana Police Service declined to comment on the closure of the non-profit center, described as a movement “defending the fight for freedom for LGBT + people in Ghana”.

Although short-lived, the center would remain in “hearts and minds”, Donkor posted on his social media page.

“We anticipate this,” he posted. “We will triumph. The police may have invaded our office and closed it, but the real office is in our hearts and minds.”

The country is one of more than 30 countries in Africa where same-sex relationships are against the law, according to the International Association of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Trans and Intersex (ILGA).
Progress towards gay rights in Africa is not yet inevitable
Ghana’s designated minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Sarah Adwoa Sarfo, said in a video during her confirmation hearing on February 17 that Ghanaian laws against same-sex relationships are not up for debate when asked about her position. on social protection for non-heterosexual people.

“The LGBT issue is an issue that, when mentioned, creates some controversy, but what I mean is that our laws are clear about such practices. It becomes criminal … to have unnatural carnal knowledge with another person,” said Sarfo . On video.

“On the issue of their criminality, it is non-negotiable, on the issue of cultural acceptance and norms, these practices are also frowned upon. For me, there are two distinct clarifications on the subject and that is what I strongly advocate, “she added.

Earlier this month, President Joe Biden instructed US foreign departments and agencies to “promote and protect the human rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people everywhere”.

Botswana eliminates gay sex laws in big victory for LGBTQ rights in Africa
President Biden sought to decriminalize LGBTQI + status abroad in a memo issued on February 4, where he threatened comprehensive sanctions against countries where gay rights are suppressed.

“When foreign governments move to restrict the rights of LGBTQI + people or fail to apply the legal protections in force, thus contributing to a climate of intolerance, agencies engaged abroad must consider appropriate responses, including the use of the full range diplomatic and assistance tools and, as appropriate, financial sanctions, visa restrictions and other actions, “said the presidential memo.

However, Ghana responded that the country’s laws are supreme and that legislation criminalizing gay sexual activities would remain in effect.
