The Flash theme is coming to an end this week

If you’re looking for a little more speed in your favorite Battle Royale, we have some good news for you. Flash will be coming to Fortnite soon, confirmed developer Epic Games. Players will have the chance to unlock the new superhero skin at the Flash Cup event, which takes place this Wednesday, February 10th. The skin is also likely to be sold separately in the Fortnite game store at a later date.

News that a Flash skin was possibly coming to Fortnite leaked earlier this week, but this is the first that Epic officially confirms. The studio has a history of adding new skins as part of events like this. Back in season 4, players who participated in the Marvel Series ‘special cups were able to win the characters’ costumes before being sold in the Item Shop. Heroes and villains like Black Cat, Daredevil and Venom have their own cups.

Epic had previously said that Flash was on its way to its popular Battle Royale game. A recent Reality record video shared on Fortnite’s Twitter account also references a “very, very” quick target, apparently alluding to the superhero.

How to get the Flash skin

To get the new Flash skin, you need to participate in the Flash Cup event and earn enough points to rank high enough. In Europe, everyone between 1st and 3,500th place will win the Flash theme and its related back bling. North America, in turn, is divided into two divisions. In NA East, you will need to take 1st place – 1,750th to win the skin; in NA West, you need to be 1st – 500th.

As mentioned earlier, Epic will likely sell the Flash skin at the Fortnite Item Store sometime after the event. Although no pricing details have been announced yet, previous superhero skins cost 1,500 V-Bucks (or 2,200 for their packs), so the Flash skin will likely cost the same.

The Flash skin
The Flash skin

Some pointed to the upcoming release of director Zach Snyder’s version of the 2017 Justice League film (also known as Snyder’s Court) on March 18 as a possible date for the release of the Flash skin. However, it is also possible that the DC themed cups will serve as a preparation for the launch of the Snyder Cut, and Flash is just one of the many character skins that will be revealed.

In other Fortnite news, the Hearts Wild themed Valentine’s Day event is already live. If you need help with this week’s challenges, check out our 5th season, 10th week challenge guide. Fortnite developer Epic Games has announced that it currently has no plans to go public with an IPO.

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Tocando agora: Trailer da história Fortnite Zero Point

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