‘The Flash’ recap: Season 7 premiere – Nash Wells [Spoiler]

The Flash came back this Tuesday night with a desperate need for speed – although the solution to your problem threatened to require a great deal of sacrifice.

With only one percent of his speed remaining, Barry resorted to an improvised Team Flash – Nash Wells joined Chester and Allegra, with Iris, Cisco, Caitlin and Ralph alllll busy with something else – to find a way to end the Artificial Speed ​​Force (ASF). After Nash consulted the many Wellses who resided inside his bean (including the inevitable Orson), it was suggested that the particles of the multiverse within Nash could be used to power the ASF.

The Flash Barry WellsA first test left Barry “inhabited” by the various Wellses, while Grant Gustin did his best imitation of Tom Cavanagh’s diverse doppelgangers. Later, with the imminent threat of a jet equipped to explode over Central City, the team worked again to channel the particles into the fusion sphere. Unfortunately, this proved to be unstable, so Nash risked everything to serve as an organic conduit. And in doing so, he and the other Wellses died slowly, though not without saying goodbye to Barry.

Flash 7x01 IrisElsewhere, Iris was teased inside the Mirrorverse by several of her past selves, who nudged her to go crazy. Iris, however, realized that they were Eva’s manipulations and found the strength to face the villain’s psychological warfare; Eva herself discovered that she was indeed dead since the explosion of the particle accelerator; and The Top taught Cecile how to reshape his metapowers.

Here’s what The Flash showrunner Eric Wallace had to say about the three big hurdles of the season 7 premiere.

The EPISODE entitled ‘ALL WELLS THAT END THE WELLS’ END END WELLS? | After all, by serving as an organic receptor for the multiverse particles that were extracted from it and used to power ASF (Artificial Speed ​​Force), Nash and all the other Wells gradually disintegrated, with many of the look-alikes giving Barry a sad, apparently final farewell. Addressing the future of original cast member Tom Cavanagh with the series, showrunner Eric Wallace told TVLine, “I would say, ‘Tom Cavanagh fans, you should continue watching this show.’ Just because someone is dead does not mean that there is not much else to do. “

A great clue that Wells is not really completely gone is the fact that, as noted above, he just said goodbye to Barry. “Why would Tom Cavanagh leave the show without saying goodbye to Carlos [Valdes]’Cisco? We you can not allow that, “said Wallace, adding,” Look for Tom to reappear in a unique way that we’ve never seen before. “

WILL IRIS’S E-MAIL HELP OR HURT? | After being cruelly provoked by – but eventually gathering mental strength to defend herself – Mirrorverse versions of several of her previous personalities, Iris sat at her laptop and fired a message to Kamilla and CCPD chief David Singh (see inverted photo), both of which are also stuck on the Mirrorverse. Although the destination of the message was not clear, it seems that the intrepid reporter, as always, has a way with the keyboard. In the next episode, “Let’s find out immediately … that email is the key to getting Iris out of Mirrorverse,” predicted Wallace.

IT IS DEAD EVE A MORE DANGEROUS EVA? | Reluctantly following a video of what exactly happened to her after the explosion of the particle accelerator, Eva McCulloch realized that she really died after being thrown against the mirror in the office – while one decidedly noThe human version of it came into existence within Mirrorverse. This worrying discovery “will give her an ever-increasing mission and – unfortunately for Team Flash – a lot more dangerous to fulfill”, warns Wallace. “Where she used to want to help humanity, now she will have a much lower opinion of people. And she will act on worst possible way. “

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