The federal government will not require COVID vaccine passports

Eat this, not that!

These two things can prevent COVID now, says Dr. Fauci

Will the coronavirus pandemic ever end? It is a fair question. We faced the virus for 14 months and many people are experiencing “COVID fatigue”. As a result, will more lives than necessary be lost? Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical advisor to the president and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, appeared on CNN this weekend, telling presenter Jim Acosta what two things you can do to stay safe. Read each of the next 5 slides to get the latest guidance – and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss out on these Signs that your disease is really a coronavirus in disguise. 1 Dr. Fauci said that doing both could help end the pandemic Acosta said a model predicted “61,000 more people will die between March 29 and July 1” and asked what Fauci would do to prevent further deaths. “The two things you do: A, you keep pressing and doubling public health measures, and B you do what you can to vaccinate as many people as quickly and quickly as possible. The second, we are doing it in record time ”- one day 4 million Americans were vaccinated and -“ 4 million people vaccinated is really a lot of people. If you multiply that by 30 days in a month, you will have 120 million vaccinations done. This is what you need to control this outbreak and prevent additional deaths, additional hospitalizations, additional infections. The other is doubling public health measures. And you hear the president explicitly come out and say: we are not going to declare victory prematurely. ”2 Dr. Fauci said, no, this pandemic will not last forever. As for these public health measures,“ it is up to people to realize, and you know, we say this over and over, and we need the local population, we need governors and mayors and others may say, we are not out of it yet. People say, ‘Well, you just want to confine us forever.’ No, this is not going to last forever. Because every day you get 4 million, 3 million people vaccinated, you get closer and closer to control. So, fold it down, just hold on a little longer. And the vaccine and vaccinations of people in this country will counteract the increase in the virus. ”3 Dr. Fauci saw images of people walking in the crowd – and hopes to hear him Acosta said he noticed people in DC admiring the cherry blossoms as if there was no pandemic, and also showed images of Fauci from a Times Square full. “It’s not easy, Jim, because COVID-19 fatigue is a real phenomenon and people are feeling it,” said Dr. Fauci. “We are now over 14 months in this. And it’s totally understandable that people get tired of it. So, what we’re saying, and we hope that to a certain extent, or perhaps to a large extent, they will hear that we’re going to get to where they want to be, where I want to be, where you want to be, where we have enough people protected with vaccines so that we can go out and watch the cherry blossoms. And we can go out and enjoy. As the weather warms up, it will happen. ”4 Dr. Fauci said“ Get vaccinated ”because it is“ the solution ”“ I’m not sure if there is much more that we can do, but try to make people appreciate it. But what we can do is what we are doing with the vaccines. We are really pushing that. And you know, there was an announcement a few days ago about the core of the COVID-19 community, where we are essentially engaging trusted messages from the community, whether they are trusted people, religious leaders, clergy, athletes, artists, people in the community to do with people getting out of it. And when a vaccine is available for you to be vaccinated, I totally agree with you, Jim, it is difficult to convince people suffering from COVID-19 fatigue to continue to comply with public health measures. It will not be easy. I hope we have some success, but in the meantime, you and I are talking about it, but every day three to four million people are being vaccinated. That will be the solution. Jim, this is the solution. ”RELATED: Most patients with COVID did this before they got sick 5 How to stay safe while the pandemic ends So follow Fauci’s fundamentals and help end this pandemic, no matter where you live – wear a face mask that fit perfectly and have two layers, do not travel, have social distance, avoid large crowds, do not enter home with people you are not sheltering (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene, be vaccinated when it is available to you , and to protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of the 35 places you are most likely to capture COVID.
