The Falcon and the Winter Soldier delivers in new trailer

Just homies talking.

Just homies talking.
Print Screen: Disney

Trailer FrenzyA special place to find the newest movie trailers and TV shows you want.

I don’t know about sports, but I know my supers, and as far as I’m concerned, the Super Bowl was between New York City Falcons and Brooklyn Bucky-neers. Both won and so did we.

In a new spot broadcast during the Super Bowl, we took a fresh look at the next Disney + show starring Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan, and co-starring Daniel Brühl, Wyatt Russell and Emily VanCamp (I hope this show will serve Sharon Carter finally slightly less dirty than the movies—Peggy’s niece deserves better).

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier drops, After all, at Disney + March 19.

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