The evil king and the noble hero detail Conco, Sacasa and Flora

The Evil King and the Noble Hero

Nippon Ichi Software has released new information for The Evil King and the Noble Hero reintroducing the Dragon King and the protagonist Yuu, as well as introducing some of the friends that players will meet on their adventure.

See the details below.

■ Main characters

Dragon King (Overlord)

The Evil King and the Noble Hero

Yuu’s adoptive father and king of monsters. Although once feared by the people as the wicked Overlord, he has since turned a new page and even secretly lends help to humans. He is helping Yuu to train to become a noble hero like his father.

Yuu (protagonist)

The Evil King and the Noble Hero

The son of the late Hero. A human girl who every night hears stories of the adventures of her father, the Hero, of the Dragon King and wishes to become a hero like him. But she doesn’t know that the Dragon King, her adoptive father, was the Overlord with whom her father once fought.

■ Friends who will venture out by your side


The Evil King and the Noble Hero

A snow fox that lives on “Ice-Moon Hill”. A boy with many siblings and devoted to his family. He meets Yuu during a time when his family is facing a crisis.


The Evil King and the Noble Hero

A servant of the easily elated Dragon King. He can be quite frank, but it often backfires. He admires the ex-Dragon King, who was the powerful and great Overlord. He is skilled at knife juggling.


The Evil King and the Noble Hero

Princess of the human nation. Since her people have already been attacked by the Overlord, she wonders if there is anything she can do, as even now they remain frightened by his rebirth.

The Evil King and the Noble Hero will be released for PlayStation 4 and Switch on June 24 in Japan. Read more about the game here.

See the images in the gallery.

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