The End of the World Club is a surprising addition to the switch catalog from Danganronpa manufacturers

Switch WorldsEndClub Screenshot 07

If you like the brutal murder of teenagers, the horror of Danganronpa, so you’ll be happy to know that Tookyo Games – a studio that has members of the Danganronpa and Zero Escape teams – is bringing End of the World Club, the game they previously released on Apple Arcade, for the Switch.

Here’s what Nintendo had to say about it:

“You and 11 others, known as the Go-Getters Club, set off on a captivating journey through Japan and experience an adventure that mixes side-scrolling action with a suspenseful narrative.

On the way home from Tokyo, you’ll alternate between working alone and joining the group to overcome the challenges and monsters that stand in your way. “

According to the game’s wiki, the World End Club will combine the action and adventure modes, with full voice acting, a 20-hour story and a mysterious clown who challenges the group of children to a “Game of Destiny”.

Switch WorldsEndClub Screenshot 05

It is safe to say that, with this group of creators, this game will be scary, strange and will probably contain many murders. We cannot wait.

The game will be released on the Switch on May 28.

Are you thrilled to get your hands on another “killing game” or just want a new Danganronpa and Zero Escape game? Let us know in the comments.
