‘The Crew’: Interview with Kevin James – Episode 1 of the NASCAR Netflix Comedy

Sparks are flying on Netflix The Crew – and not the kind you see at Daytona International Speedway.

The first episode of Kevin James’ NASCAR-themed sitcom establishes the potential match between Kevin and co-worker Beth, played by Billion“Sarah Stiles. The setting of the table comes in the last scene, when a recently dismissed Kevin says he will never find that special someone, as long as he is dedicated to his work. He then suggests that the chances of finding someone who cares so much about the race circuit are almost nil, to which Beth interrupts: “I don’t know that,” she says. The camera then stays on her long enough to infer that she may be that “special person” for Kevin.

For James, whose characters in The king of queens and Kevin can wait were romantically linked from the beginning, the game will be that they / will not go is a whole new territory.

“I’ve always been married on my shows,” he tells TVLine. “It’s a different world for me to be dating and possibly being with someone I work with.”

The relationship, even in its platonic state, is “great,” says James, thanks to his chemistry with Stiles. “They are great friends and you want to see them together. But is there more? There is no more? It seems natural to me. It doesn’t seem forced [like it does on some other shows], where it’s like, ‘These two should be together’, and you ask, ‘Why are they together?’ “

So, what makes Kevin and Beth such a good match?

“They’ve been working together for so long that they know each other as well as they know each other – maybe even better,” says Stiles. “If you were both single years ago, maybe something would have happened. I have a feeling that, over the years, they’ve had that kind of feeling, but because they work together and are such good friends, they wouldn’t want to spoil any of that. “

The Crew - Kevin James, Sarah StilesCan circumstances change? “I do not think [a romantic relationship] is at the forefront of their minds, ”says Stiles. “They care about this team a lot. This is what is driving them ”.

Tell us: are you a fan of the “they will / won’t they” storyline set in the final minutes of the Netflix sitcom series premiere? Or did you expect the show to be all racing, all the time? Rate the first episode using the following poll, then leave a comment with your full review. (As always, we ask that you avoid spoiling subsequent episodes.)
