The classic mod Half-Life 2 Neotokyo gets a spinoff for one player

Illustration for the article entitled Classic Half-Life 2 Mod Neotokyo Gets a Spinoff Singleplayer

Image: NEOTOKYO ° Kshatriya

Neotokyo is an absolute classic for PC games, a (somehow) free mod for Half-life 2 which remains one of the most beautiful and cool multiplayer shooting games on the planet. And now, 12 years after his first release, he has a singleplayer experience for fans to play.

NEOTOKYO ° Kshatriya it’s a little rusty around the edges, but in essence it gives a lot of Neotokyo fans exactly what they wanted from the original: the chance to really explore their cyberpunk streets in a more relaxing and engaging way than was possible on multiplayer maps.

Although made by different people, this is a SerygalaCaffeine product, with the original creators of Neotokyo working on things like (surprise!) Deus Ex and Ghost in the Shell– retains much of to feel in Neotokyo.

You can download a demo and try it out here.
