The Christmas Movie Arena Battle Death Match

Having finally granted the point in Hard to kill – well, mostly anyway – I’m still left with the question: what exactly makes a movie a Christmas movie? It’s the answer just snow? Or is it enough to have a Christmas tree, regardless of the context?

Fortunately, The Babylon Bee has entered the gap for a nation divided by conflicts over which films qualify for Christmas screening. “This world is full of killjoys that want to kill joy”, postulates the song below, shortly after the start of the deadly battle game in the Alien films imposed Christmas arena:

Twenty films come in, one film comes out. Say maybe Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome it’s a Christmas movie too! Naaah … no snow. Or Christmas trees. Wild kids may remind us of Christmas shopping, but it still doesn’t sell … or is?

A film does not seem to be able to enter the arena, but it deserves this kind of death both as a Christmas film and as a romantic comedy. Of course, I mean glurgy, pretentious and artificial True love, which for some reason has become a holiday tradition for far many people. Irish comedian George Fox delivered a brilliant “TED talk” on Twitter this week, explaining the countless ways in which this film is horrible, which are hilarious, all true. Make sure you read the whole topic, but …

I may have to give in Hard to kill. I will never give up True love.
