The CDC estimates that 1 in 5 people in the U.S. has a sexually transmitted infection

The CDC estimates that, on any given day in 2018, one in five people in the United States had a sexually transmitted infection (STD). The analyzes, published in the journal Sexually transmitted diseases, show the burden of diagnosed and undiagnosed STDs in the U.S. and the estimated medical costs associated with STDs.

It is estimated that there were almost 68 million STDs on any given day in 2018, as well as 26 million newly acquired STDs that same year. The survey found that nearly one in two STDs was acquired by people aged 15 to 24 years.

The survey also showed that, over a lifetime, these infections would incur medical costs of almost $ 16 billion.

“The burden of STDs is impressive,” said Jonathan Mermin, MD, MPH, director of the CDC’s National Center for HIV / AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STDs and TB Prevention. “At a time when STDs are on the rise, they have come out of the national conversation. Still, STDs are a preventable and treatable national health threat, with a substantial personal and economic impact. COVID-19, which affected many STD prevention services ”.

STDs can have serious health consequences. People with these infections do not always show symptoms of illness, but if left untreated, some STDs can increase the risk of HIV infection or can cause chronic pelvic pain, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility and / or severe pregnancy and neonatal complications.

STDs cost the US health care system billions of dollars annually

HIV and HPV infections acquired in 2018 were the most expensive STIs in the new CDC review, as the medical costs of these infections include lifetime treatment for people with HIV and treatment for HPV-related cancers. Other notifiable STIs, including chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis, also have substantial medical costs.

Of the estimated $ 16 billion in lifetime medical costs of STIs acquired in 2018:

  • Most ($ 13.7 billion) of all costs were attributed to sexually acquired HIV infections
  • $ 755 million in costs were attributed to HPV infections
  • More than $ 1 billion in costs have been attributed to chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis combined
  • Nearly 75% of the $ 2.2 billion in medical costs for non-HIV-related STIs were among women
  • The total cost of STDs far exceeds the medical cost burden estimated in this study, which did not include costs associated with lost productivity, other non-medical costs and STD prevention.

    “Proven STD prevention – at all levels – is the foundation of America’s health, economic security and well-being protection,” said Raul Romaguera, acting director of the CDC’s STD Prevention Division. “There are significant human and financial costs associated with these infections, and we know from other studies that cuts in STD prevention efforts will result in higher costs in the future. STD prevention could save billions in medical costs, but more importantly, prevention would improve the health and life of millions of people. “

    Focus on STD prevention in the most affected people and the need for better data

    COVID-19 highlighted the underlying effects of systemic health and social inequities that place groups of racial and ethnic minorities and other populations at greater risk of infection. Likewise, there is a continuous disproportionate burden of STDs between certain racial and ethnic groups; among young people aged 15 to 24, who accounted for almost half of all new STIs in 2018; and among women, who account for a disproportionate burden of severe STI results and medical costs.

    The new CDC estimates are critical to a better understanding of the scope of STDs in the United States. However, the findings also highlight gaps in the scientific literature and the continuing need for more data. This includes the need for population-based STD screening estimates to provide a better picture of diagnosed and undiagnosed STDs in disproportionately affected groups, including some racial / ethnic minority groups and people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or homosexuals / LGBTQ questioners.

    Essential innovative strategies to tackle the STD epidemic

    At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating racial and ethnic disparities in health, overburdening public health infrastructure and creating additional challenges for health service delivery, new strategies to increase access to quality sexual health are criticism. The strategies used to overcome the barriers associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have the potential to help reverse the increase in STDs.

    Examples include:

  • Express STD clinics that allow testing and treatment of STDs without a thorough clinical examination.
  • Partnerships with pharmacies and retail health clinics, which can provide new access points for STD services, such as on-site testing and treatment.
  • Telehealth / telemedicine, which can guarantee access to health care providers, support self-testing or self-collection, and is especially critical in rural areas.
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