The British Prime Minister praises the British for “sacrifice” as a new coronavirus blockade approaches: “We have no choice”

The British Prime Minister praised the millions of people who are “making another huge sacrifice” as the country is on time to enter another time-consuming blockade to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

Boris Johnson’s comments on Tuesday came as health officials reported 60,916 new infections on Monday – the highest daily total ever recorded in the UK since the onset of the disease, according to Sky News.

“Across the country today, people – everyone – are making another huge sacrifice. Millions of people working from home, teachers and students dealing with online learning,” said Johnson during a news conference. “Companies that have withstood the impact of successive blockages. And, of course, the incredible team of our National Health Service and our healthcare professionals who are struggling with this new variant of the coronavirus.”

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks during a press conference at 10 Downing Street in London on Tuesday.  (AP)

Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks during a press conference at 10 Downing Street in London on Tuesday. (AP)


“And I believe that when everyone looks at the position people overwhelmingly understand that we have no choice,” added Johnson in reference to the blocking measures set to take effect at midnight on Tuesday.

Johnson, citing government statistics, said the number of patients hospitalized with the coronavirus is now 40% higher in England than its initial peak in April.

It is estimated that one in 50 tests positive compared to one in 900 during the middle of September, the statistics show.

In an effort to combat the spread, more than 1.3 million people have already been vaccinated across the UK, according to Johnson.

“We know that there will still be long weeks ahead of us in which we must persevere with these restrictions, but I want to give you Britons as much transparency as possible about the launch of this vaccine with more details on Thursday and daily updates starting on Monday. . that you can see day by day and step by step how much progress we are making, “he added.


Johnson announced the new block on Monday after medical directors from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales have raised the threat assessment of COVID-19 across the UK to the highest level. The health care system is already under “immense pressure”, they said.

The new measures are similar to those imposed last spring, with people being instructed to work from home, unless it is impossible, and to leave the house only for essential exercises or trips, such as shopping at the market. Schools across England were forced to close their doors, except for the children of critical workers and the most vulnerable children, and switch to online education from Tuesday. College students will not return to campus until at least mid-February.

All non-essential stores and personal care services, such as hairdressers, will remain closed. Restaurants may only offer fast delivery services

Meanwhile, donations of up to $ 12,200 are being offered to help companies in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors further under pressure from the new rules.

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson, flanked by British medical director Chris Whitty, on the left, and scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance, speaks during a press conference on the coronavirus pandemic on Tuesday.  (AP)

Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson, flanked by British medical director Chris Whitty, on the left, and scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance, speaks during a press conference on the coronavirus pandemic on Tuesday. (AP)


Public health officials hope that the new blockade will reduce pressure on the NHS while launching a national vaccination program aimed at the elderly, health professionals and people particularly vulnerable to COVID-19. Britain has approved vaccines from two different manufacturers so far – one from Pfizer-BioNTech and the other from Oxford University and AstraZeneca.

But many hospitals in the UK have already been forced to cancel elective surgeries, and the pressure to respond to the pandemic may soon delay cancer surgery and limit intensive care services for patients without COVID-19.

Scotland’s leader Nicola Sturgeon also imposed a blockade that started on Tuesday. Northern Ireland and Wales have already imposed tough measures, although the rules vary.

In continental Europe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday that she had agreed with state governors to extend her country’s current blockade for three weeks, until January 31.


Germany launched a partial shutdown across the country on November 2, closing restaurants, bars, leisure and sports facilities. This failed to reduce infection numbers, and the current blockade – which closed non-essential stores and schools and even more limited social contacts – went into effect on December 16. Initially, it was supposed to last until January 10.

Vaccinations in Germany and the rest of the 27 European Union countries started more than a week ago. In Germany, a country of 83 million people, almost 265,000 vaccinations were reported on Monday, said the Robert Koch Institute.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
