The best 30-minute workouts | Tom’s Guide

Do the best 30-minute workouts offer the perfect workout duration? It is difficult to say, because your ideal workout varies depending on the type of exercise, the intensity and a number of other factors. But when it comes to pure logistics, 30 minutes is a great workout – it’s long enough that you feel it was worth it, but short enough that you can do it at lunch without skipping a meal.

Thirty minutes is also great for a variety of exercises, because all of the high intensity interval training (HIIT) and the hottest, most modern strength exercises seem to fall in the 20 to 40 minute range. But if you’re looking for the best 30-minute exercises to do at home, there may be also lots of variety – there are thousands of classes on YouTube. Most of them are the same six or seven exercises repeated in different orders, which is not necessarily a bad thing (it’s not like these exercises don’t get you in shape). However, it can be difficult to maintain an interest in working out when you are doing the same thing over and over again.
