The Anti-Vaxxer Mission to Promote Non-existent COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths

Since the United States began launching coronavirus vaccines, many Americans have been looking for information about when, where and how they and their loved ones could get a vaccine. The question of who is first in line and why is inevitable.

But a small vocal minority began frantically trying to find something darker and nonexistent: evidence that these vaccines against COVID-19 started killing people.

“Comprehensive list of COVID vaccine-related deaths?” a Reddit user posted on a conspiracy theory forum recently. “Is anyone already assembling one?”

“Choose a date and time when the first death record of someone who got the vaccine [sic], ”Another user posted. “To get a bonus, which news site will advertise this?”

Antivaxxer rhetoric has for many months prepared some Americans to mistakenly believe that the COVID-19 vaccines will kill people, that the powers that be will suppress them and that they should hunt and share evidence of this alleged outrage. Experts in antivaxxer rhetoric and conspiracy theories fear that this wild hunt for deaths and disasters could lead reasonable but concerned people to conspiratorial rabbit holes, ultimately hampering efforts to contain this nightmare pandemic.

The current search for deaths is so off track that even some of the old guard skeptics about vaccines are moving away from the frenzy.
