Texans refusing to give in to the ugly feud Deshaun Watson

The teams keep calling – but so far, Texans are not listening.

Although Deshaun Watson wants to leave Houston and demand an exchange, Texans still insist that they have no interest in leaving, according to an ESPN report.

The report said the teams “got the message” and, in particular, expect Houston to change positions, but according to sources, they plan to stand their ground and have no interest in letting Watson go.

Texans’ new GM Nick Caserio and coach David Culley have publicly stated that they have no desire to switch Watson. It seems that the organization is holding on to that position.

This could lead to an ugly stalemate between the two sides, as sources close to Watson said he has no interest in playing for the Texans again. He is under contract until 2025, but has not yet spoken to Caserio or Culley.

It is rumored that Watson has the Jets at the top of his list of potential destinations. Other teams of interest include Dolphins and Broncos.
